Esoteric Courses

Course XLI - Teaching 6: Sonoriferous Wheel

Figure: The Sonoriferous Wheel The root of the extremely powerful wheel presiding at the earthly atmospheric ether is at the basis of the throat, goes across the thyroid cartilage, coils around thyroid glands, goes out through the chin area, and is reflected on the astral plane, on a level with the throat.

Course XLI - Teaching 7: Sight Wheel

Figure: Sight Wheel The mental substance has its astral seat at the sight wheel that, out of its significance, sums up the above-described wheels. One can achieve, through it, the Supreme Vision of spiritual Knowledge.

Course XLI - Teaching 8: Crown Wheel

Figure: The Crown Wheel This center of forces is called Crown Wheel because comes up as an aura over the head, and its form is that of a skullcap.

Course XLI - Teaching 9: Life Renovation

An intense and terrible power emanates continuously from the Sacrum plexus in order to preserve life of man constantly; these forces remain partially stored in one’s genital organs. These forces, concentrated in the coccygeal area like an electric charge, from there they push and form spermatic and germinal cells settled in the testicles and ovary.

Course XLI - Teaching 10: Overcoming Fear

The astral body forms protective vortexes around the physical body, particularly concentrated on the splenic plexus. These vortexes mean certain restriction: they do not permit the man to leave the circle traced to sustain his personality, and his system just becomes accessible to those indispensable forces to sustain his being, his mental expansion and his spiritual development.

Course XLI - Teaching 11: Achieving the Power

One can properly say about a man with shining chest, who developed the solar plexus, related to the Sun Wheel, that he possesses strength and power. This terrible center gives a disciple who could develop it, courage to preserve or destroy what he has.

Course XLI - Teaching 12: The Main Road

We are told that love is the beginning and end of the Path; so, the Main Road is that of love. Pages and pages should be needed to explain the great power of the heart.

Course XLI - Teaching 13: The Voice of the Silence

Vishudda, center of the throat, just has influence on mental bodies. Vibration is its only derivation. This is why it contains the softest, subtlest and most terrible power. This center is called “God’s Voice”, “the Word”, “and the Ineffable Name”.

Course XLI - Teaching 14: The Third Eye

One can control the mind by possessing and realizing this sixth Center, which gives the sixfold vision of the Universe. Ajnâ, the True Eye of God, opens all treasures emerged from Mother Divine’s mind, to show them to the Seer in full detail.

Course XLI - Teaching 15: The Lotus of One-Thousand Petals

If the description of the Crown Center is a very hard work, the enumeration of its powers and valuable development becomes a harder task indeed. It is sufficient to say the Crown Center is the only one that pours spiritual forces on man.