Doctrinal Courses

Course XI - Teaching 14: Inherent Goods of Cafh

Cafh does not have outer possessions; everything that is necessary for sustaining and developing the Works of Cafh belongs to these Works alone: even attributes and writings of the Teachings and private possessions of the Sons, and do not belong to Cafh.

Course XI - Teaching 15: Dimensional Time and Expansive Time

To renounce is to live. To renounce is to transcend the dimensional time in order to remain expansively in the time itself. Of course, this statement makes no sense, except through experiencing and living it.

Course XI - Teaching 15: Holy Names

Following litanies and their Holy Names can be sung individually, but usually we sing them all together; their purpose is to trace the auric image of the Holy Assembly on the space and upon the ethereal substance.

Course XI - Teaching 16: Grammar Notes

In fact, century after century, the Holy Speech underwent different transformations, adapted to grammar modes and phonetics of more modern languages. This Holy Speech preserved a truly archaic value in certain voices usually named “potential forms”, which are neither a verb, nor an adverb, nor an adjective, but serve to three functions without distinction and sometimes contain an entire sentence.

Course XI - Teaching 16: Transmission of the Renunciation Message

The Renunciation Message is transmitted in silence. Silence contains the Son in the Stability Radius, fits it like a clock to the routine of the life and adapts, through outer rigidity and inner immobility, to the automatic rhythm of the existence.