
Reflection N° 73 - Walt Disney's Mistake

Disney was a successful man in everything he undertook, except one thing, although on this occasion he was already dead, or rather, his most ambitious project, to overcome death, in which he failed.

Reflection N° 144 - Compulsory Reincarnation

Certain people believe in reincarnation and others do not. According to the majority of traditions, specially the oldest ones, souls reincarnate time and again, and historic texts are filled with these beliefs.

Reflection N° 147 - Circular Ruins

To Héctor V. Morel The World revolves along with its own content: Paris, oceans, Afghanistan war, forests, snowfalls in Boston, men and animals, the Children’s Village, splendors in China, et cetera, from right to left or from left to right, I do not know well, perhaps in both directions at the same time, on different fields.

Reflection N° 155 - Spiritual Triumph

At the end of his life, Kurosawa made a beautiful film of simple and easily understandable sequences, “Dreams”, which through five or six chapters, relates some of the traditions of the Japanese people, which have survived throughout centuries.

Course II - Teaching 16: Death

Here we have attained the last mystery, the solemnest shadow, the Sacrifice that none can avoid. Because who can defeat old age and death? A poor human being sadly sees how years flee from their hands and how rapidly, despite his own efforts, he could achieve very few illusions forged in his youth; or, at most, when he starts enjoying the fruit of his work, his memory already declines, his senses grow weak and infirmities of old age impede him to enjoy mentally the victory.

Course V - Teaching 12: Tibetan Disciples

In Tibet there is an extraordinary mystique related to death and mystical death, and the Sons need to know it. In old days, the mystique of death was an ordinary thing.

Course XXII - Teaching 2: Transition

Things die in this world, and this is a judgment emerged in the understanding of man by means of quite simple observation. What lacks Beginning, what Is, what is Immortal, is intuition, an irrational glimpse of divine character, achieved by those beings who were able and knew how to promote their inner and essential values.