As long as the Aryan man would emerge, Humanity was losing “clare visa” knowledge of God, which was the heritage of the Atlantean race.
Thanks to typical characteristics of their race, Atlantean men had direct vision of God and, therefore, the concept about Absolute Unity of God.
A Dogma is an indisputable Divine Truth that usually should be accepted by faith.
Dogma may be a formal, explicit truth, and also a virtual implicit truth.
The said offered truth, has and expresses certain meaning, and a mission of Theology is precisely to discriminate about this truth, and to make clear, fix and enlarge this meaning so that the light of the Revealed Truth shines more and more radiantly and illuminates more and more the field of the human rational knowledge.
The idea about the Absolute One, the idea about God, is the substratum of whole human mind.
But throughout the ages, and even simultaneously, Humanity considered the Absolute One from diverse points of view.
Of those systems generally following the idea of a theology of the existence, we should mainly emphasize the Vedanta in the East, while also it has reappeared in the West, being specially focused at present on the so-called J.
Just as the so-called philosophies and theologies of the “existence” have brought into being and greatly developed all those things typified as knowledge, so certain schools that had adhered to those postulates typified as “non-existence” have inspired the mystic movement in Humanity as a whole.
Gautama Buddha’s doctrine moves the man away from a purely rational field and points to him certain liberation method as a practical realization: the Path. He must stick to certain attitude for life.
The Aryan man had and still has the mission of fully conquering the rational mind, but was unable to escape from the ancestral concept of the unity of God. But the concept about the Non-manifest One, the Absolute One, the Nameless One, if has been preserved and still is preserved in Humanity, not always could be satisfactory to a mind incapable of becoming subtle and of soaring permanently.
Since immemorial times, as soon as the light of reason started shining in man, he has wondered about the motive of existence. As his existence runs parallel with the existence of the whole Universe, the said question was larger and larger and, finally, focused the manifestation.
Theologies of “Existence” and Theology of “Non-Existence represent two ends of the conception about the Universe and man.
Theology of Divine Incarnation represents a mean position; it is actually the mean theology of being and non-being.
From the times when man, through his developing reason, was able to think, imagine and interconnect rationally and even observe the phenomenal world, the Manifestation around, with a critical view, he started discovering relationships and analogies between that which ultimately is called Macrocosm and Microcosm.