Courses on Communities

Course XLIV - Teaching 11: Superior Instructor of Doctrine

The Sons of Cafh, and especially the Ordained Sons of Community, need a clear idea about Cafh’s doctrine. They must know it not only in a general form, but also must be able to synthesize it.

Course XLIV - Teaching 12: The Superior and the Inner Spirit of an Ordained Son

The spirit of Observance must be in Community like an adamant block in relation to activities and uses, and every external expression of the Ordained Son must be unique, but this external union has to accompany the internal union.

Course XLIV - Teaching 13: The Superior in Recreations and Days Off

A Superior watches not only over the observance of the Regulation, Interpretation and orders of the Knight Great Master, but also over the brother and companion of the Sons. Therefore, his mission becomes more difficult in those acts of Community where the Sons are subject to their free will.

Course XLIV - Teaching 14: Superiors and Sons at the Works

In Houses of Cafh’s Works, Superiors must be very watchful and avoid any influence from the worldly spirit. Since certain Works are seemingly identical in their external form like other works that are executed in the world, there is a trend to turn over them with the same spirit of a natural work.

Course XLIV - Teaching 15: Directors Teachers of Offices

From his entry to the House of Ordination, the Son is initiated in usual manual works in Community. Although the Sons must know how to realize any indicated work, usually they learn some specialized work.

Course XLIV - Teaching 16: Superiors Custodians of the Sons before the World

Superiors will try that the Sons may appear before the world like a living image of perfect Renunciation and, as such, unattainable to those who did not renounce. Sons: your faces must be affable before all and your aspect serene, without currents of sympathy or particular friendship.

Course XLV - Teaching 1: Call to Ordination

Although all souls are called to the Supreme Renunciation, just some few realize it by means of the Ordination. It would be inconvenient to believe that any vocation to Ordination becomes manifested and develops in the same way, but in all of them there is a similar point that one could call internal divine motion in the souls.

Course XLV - Teaching 2: Vocational Discernment

Vocation to Ordination is an unyielding feeling of the soul, a dark state of being, a determining idea of the mind, and an unknown certainty about one’s destiny and choice.

Course XLV - Teaching 3: Contact with the Community

Preparation for Ordination life is a constant effort of the soul for many months to get used to higher nervous tensions than to ordinary tensions. The soul accustomed to this psychical run experiences a violent shock as soon as it arrives at the House of Community.

Course XLV - Teaching 4: Adaptability

An unmistakable internal motion determines the vocational state, but this divine gift must be assisted to make the best possible use of it. Vocation can be assisted by usual media, which are of physical, psychical and spiritual kind.