Ascetic Mystic Courses

Course XV - Teaching 7: Consequences

As the last step of the exercise, Consequences have a double purpose in the technical formation of the exercise. As we said, along with the spiritual process developed in depths of the soul, the student should become self-conscious of the process, that is, he should acquire knowledge of his inner development and of the result achieved through exercise of prayer and application of the teaching to his own life.

Course XVIII - Teaching 7: Somewhat Difficult Exercises I and II

Somewhat Difficult Exercises I At attention position. Feet entirely together, arms horizontally stretched forward. Rotate trunk to right, and later to left with elastic insistence, while you breathe out at the same time.

Course XV - Teaching 8: The Black Lady

What may represent the Black Lady in Cafh’s Symbols? The spiritual path is traveled by stages; it neither begins nor ends in one life. It began by the individuation of the human being and shall end by his liberation.

Course XVIII - Teaching 8: Somewhat Difficult Exercises III and IV

Somewhat difficult exercises III 25) Natural position. Arms high up and natural. Both arms trace a circle at the left side of the body, through short drive of knees. Alternately, one circle at the left side and another circle at the right side.

Course XV - Teaching 9: The Abyss

What may the abyss symbolize as subject of meditation? First, we must emphasize the analogy between the graphic picture suggested by this word and the environment in which mankind in general lives, struggles, enjoys and suffers to die.

Course XVIII - Teaching 9: Difficult Exercises I

Lateral position. Rotation of head to left, and later to right, while you offer resistance with your hand leaned on the chin. Later, the same with left hand. Four times each (Figure number 122).

Course XV - Teaching 10: The Two Ways

Certainly, just the beginning of the purgative task of the soul, first step in the spiritual life of the meditator, is also the beginning of honoring the divine promise, the beginning of the Divine Union.

Course XVIII - Teaching 10: Difficult Exercises II

Lateral position. Arms stretched horizontally at both sides. Move arms several times backwards-upwards with elastic movement. Keep head and body immobile (The beginner can bend head backward). This stretches chest muscles and strengthens dorsal muscles.

Course XV - Teaching 11: The Standard

Generally, in observing the spiritual process of the souls, at a moment the enthusiasm for purification decreases and the meditator stops by repeating inconsistent imaginative pictures that, because of their repetition, neither arouse enthusiasm, nor make the soul progress in the purgative aspect or in the spiritual process in general.

Course XVIII - Teaching 11: Difficult Exercises III

Lateral (quite wide) position. Arms high up, in natural or at attention position. You rotate and bend the trunk through drive to right downward in such a way that your hands can hold the right ankle.