Aryan Race

Reflection N° 71 - Gods

Numberless Gods inhabit the Universe and are named by different words in many languages. Some of them are considered unique and excluding: Jehovah, Allah, the Father, et cetera, and their followers have fought to the death for a full exclusion, but unsuccessfully; they go on to fight.

Reflection N° 68 - No Fight

From my armchair, strategically placed at a corner in the hall, by the fire, I can see a parade of world events moving in multiple directions and at different rates.

Reflection N° 101 - Plural Worlds

Giordano Bruno was a wise man burnt by the Inquisition in the beginning of the Modern Age, in Italy, because he disseminated the doctrine about plurality of the worlds. Many cultures have developed beautiful mythologies and stories about other dimensions of reality and other intelligent men, even Gods: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Assyria, Hindus and Arabians: modern writers and filmmakers: H.

Reflection N° 107 - Battles

“New ideas and works are being prepared for the world. If on a high level the race of Pisces –Christian sign– has developed collectivity states, great mass movements and organizations, the sixth sub-race (Hidrochosa, American sub-race) especially will develop egoencia of Being”.

Reflection N° 110 - I was born as a slave

Freedom and justice are not within the reach of an incarnate man. To reach them, he is to soar to highest dimensions of reality, or by mystic ascetic efforts or by natural evolution, incarnating again and again for millions of years along with Humanity, making all experiences, knowing right and wrong, suffering and experiencing deepest desolation.

Reflection N° 117 - La Realidad

According to many persons, reality is the only truth, but that which is unknown gets another word and then these two words keep their lack of meaning and in this way they increase the confusion.

Reflection N° 118 - Change of Race

The Canon of Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings begins with Hidrochosa, another name for Aquarius, and announces the change of Race, from the Race of the sign of Pisces to the new American Race or Age of Sakib, saying: “New ideas and works are prepared for the world”.

Reflection N° 128 - Radiant Being

When Jesus prepared his disciples and gave them his Gospel, his instructions were to preach, two by two, the God News throughout peoples. After his death, many persons traveled through the ancient world preaching the Messiah’s Redemption.

Reflection N° 133 - I Reflect

1930 – World capitalism collapses by finance depression. 1930 – The Soviet Union starts quinquennial plans. 1933 – Roosevelt assumes as President of the United States. 1933 – Hitler is Chancellor of Germany.

Reflection N° 139 - The Argentine Republic

The Argentine Nation is one of those many republics produced by the French Revolution, but it was unable to bring to fruition its initial proposals –Liberty, Equality and Fraternity– that other countries have achieved in the past.