
Reflection N° 159 - The Argentine Mission

When the Italian Fascism became dangerous for Esoteric Orders in the 20’s, the Superior of the Esoteric Order of Fire in Venice, Giovanni Venibiene, sent Santiago Bovisio, a young man of spiritual gifts mainly developed, to Buenos Aires to safeguard the ancient teachings of the Order, which are not be found anywhere and keep the history of Races, the creation of the Planetary System, and the destiny of Humanity until its last material stage.

Reflection N° 162 - Heaven and Earth

REFLECTIONS On August 5, Mr. José González Muñoz has left for planes of the spirit. In the file of his PC we have found his last Reflection, unfinished and uncorrected, which we have included in Master Santiago’s site as the final contribution of his writings.

Course I - Teaching 1: Hidrochosa

New ideas and works are in preparation for the world. If the race of the Christian sign of Fishes has highly developed collective states and great mass movements, the sixth sub-race will specially develop the “egoentia” of being.

Course XXXV - Teaching 3: The Beginning of the Way

The Earth still is under the Zodiacal sign of Pisces and Humanity continuously experiences its influence; men still live in an era of pairs of opposites, of ups and downs, of absolute collective and personality and, even if the new race of Aquarius is already glimpsed, which will start by the years 1972-1977, still it is not established upon the Earth.