
Reflection N° 71 - Gods

Numberless Gods inhabit the Universe and are named by different words in many languages. Some of them are considered unique and excluding: Jehovah, Allah, the Father, et cetera, and their followers have fought to the death for a full exclusion, but unsuccessfully; they go on to fight.

Reflection N° 76 - Where is Maitreya?

The first incarnation of the Great Solar Initiate, with the name of Jesus Nazarene was in Palestine, a geographic center of the Roman Empire, bridge uniting Asia, Africa and Europe, and a communication knot between old cultures.

Reflection N° 107 - Battles

“New ideas and works are being prepared for the world. If on a high level the race of Pisces –Christian sign– has developed collectivity states, great mass movements and organizations, the sixth sub-race (Hidrochosa, American sub-race) especially will develop egoencia of Being”.

Reflection N° 109 - Bunker

When and if a man has understood unsolvable problems of the modern world, and he wants to survive he has to convert his soul into an inexpugnable iron bunker, without any compromises.

Reflection N° 115 - About Poverty

Of Reflections, this subject may be the most complicated. All people want to possess more things than those that they possess: destitute persons, professionals, traders, and quite wealthy people. Certain North-American magazine usually reveals the wealth of the richest persons in the world, giving figures that, according to their dimensions, become meaningless.

Reflection N° 119 - Lonely

A man will be universal when and if he develops his potential powers that lie in him since the beginning. He has access to material dimensions and, in some few especial cases, to plural worlds.

Reflection N° 121 - Why I write

Soon after being released Master Santiago Bovisio’s Teachings by Internet, I started to write. I had written “Letters from the Monastery” previously, which were spread by mail and even some few printed books distributed among my friends personally.

Reflection N° 144 - Compulsory Reincarnation

Certain people believe in reincarnation and others do not. According to the majority of traditions, specially the oldest ones, souls reincarnate time and again, and historic texts are filled with these beliefs.