
Reflection N° 89 - Great Aquarian Subjects

The constellations of the Zodiac are represented by graphic symbols which express meanings: Pisces, of the Age that has just passed, has two fish, one to the right and another to the left, meaning the Race’s pair of opposites: Aquarius that begins has a water-bearer pouring water on a jar, and means “The life-giver”.

Reflection N° 113 - My study method

Some time ago I had a lot of books, videos, cassettes, CDs, art magazines, Direct TV and electronic devices. About ten years ago I left all that behind; I have no Internet, TV or radio, and usually I do not read newspapers.

Reflection N° 140 - The First Steps

The American Race is taking the first –unsteady, shaky, uncertain– steps like a baby. They are wrapped by the whirlpool of the ancient race and it is very hard to identify them, recognizing new signs on a society filled with novelties and appearances.

Reflection N° 158 - Winter Wheat

When the autumn ends and Russian farmers still can till the soil, they plow the damp fields and sow a variety of wheat. Later, the first snow falls, the soil is frozen and all winter seed and dampness are preserved by cold.