Aquarian Age

Reflection N° 53 - The Message

It is only one Message on Renunciation, which has been established by Master Santiago Bovisio in the Holy Order of Fire in the twentieth century, in American land, and communicated to his faithful disciples orally and by writing.

Reflection N° 54 - Tsunami

Teaching 16, “Ired of Hes”, Theogony Course, reads: “The universal movement is called Ired. It is the unique Law, as a point zero in the immense space. The law of Ired is one, and derived laws are entirely contradicting one another.

Reflection N° 153 - Chronicles of the last human cycle

1900: Discovery of the radioactivity by Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie. First years: Max Plank, discovery of quantum mechanics. Development of explosion motor, diesel, motor racing, cinematography, wireless telegraph, electric railways, intra oceanic telephones, aviation, conquest of the Poles, Great Britain, the first power of an immense sea empire, “The Young Ladies of Avignon”, by Picasso, and “The Rite of Spring,” by Igor Stravinsky.