Course XLVII - Teaching 46: The Mystical Body of Community (June 26th, 1960)

The Mystical Body of Community acquires entirely its spiritual and in-consubstantial power through immobility, permeation and transformation. It is indispensable that this Mystical Body of the Community is one; and it is indispensable that this Mystical Body of the Community is the living expression of our Divine Mother, and of her Redeeming Work on this Earth.
This Mystical body can be free of any stain and also of any light that is not the Fundamental Light, but it is indispensable that those who shape it, those who surrender their lives to give it Life, and those who surrender their entire spiritual powers for the existence of the light of the Spirit on Earth, must disappear and stop being. This transformation and this annihilation of the personality for the survival of the Mystical Body on Earth, is the admirable labor of the Sons through their renunciation, surrender and holocaust.
But this Mystical Body must be nurtured by this extraordinary renunciation flame and must contain a unity that represents the world, an image reflected on the Humanity, and an outer aspect that permits an easier contact of the Humanity with the Divine.
The very body of the Community, this part of the Mystical Body that comes into contact with the outer aspect, achieves this through immobility, permeation and transformation.
The human personality (with so many different attributes, which continuously shows his personalities to act at certain different moments) makes the human beings to be different. Because sometimes their express themselves in one way and sometimes in another: every one, from superposed personality modes, differs continuously from the rest.
Those who form the Mystical Body as a whole are only one thing, that is, they should have only one expression, only one outer movement, and this unique outer movement, annihilates every individual and personal aspect and makes them express through the unique will and Observance, that is, lives in the Sons through their immobility.
Sons and Daughters, you need only this: to remain immobile, and the Mystical Body shall express itself in one unique form in the world. Is it not true that we are not interested in emphasizing our personalities? This does not matter to us: if we thought of this, then the Divine Mother would not have chosen us to take part in the Mystical Body.
If someone expressed himself like that, he would be out of place and would call the attention in such a way that immediately would be rejected by the Mystical Body of the Divine Mother. All have only one will: Observance.
But there is a thing that still can be perceived outside; I mean the results of our former personalities expressed through mechanical movements: how we run, how we sit, or how we stand. The Son needs to acquire immobility in order to transfer these mechanical movements within. This is not only to remain in the enclosed area, continuously in the Divine Presence that guides us all toward our unique mission. We need muscle immobility and control of our usual reactions derived from our life in the world, and all shall be a perfect expression of the Mystical Body on Earth. If you have seen an Ordained Son or an Ordained Daughter, you have seen all of them. The one that sees an Ordained Son or Daughter should say: All they are equal, walk the same way, et cetera. Nobody should say, I prefer this man or that young woman.
As I say, this mechanical immobility makes the human being express himself externally as if he had no expression, just as it were the reflected image of the Divine Mother on Earth.
It is a little difficult to acquire immobility. But this is easy for you in Community because it is not so difficult to acquire this admirable gift. An Ordained Community Son has to think always: I am not only in the presence of the Divine Mother, but also I have to be the statue and She has to be the life, I have to be the raiment and She has to be the body giving it life.
The word expresses all by its movements. As we see the world, we understand the state of its thinking and feeling. So the outer expression of the Community Sons and Daughters has to be only one movement, the movement expressed by the Divine Mother on Earth: to be rigid, avoid grimaces, and not to turn to and fro. All this helps acquire a new mechanism of expression. This immobility would be an expression of hardness in the world, but in the world expresses something divine transformed in something grand; it sums up the rhythm of the Universe, the rhythm of our Divine Mother’s Heart. But this that is in-co-substantial, this unique form, this fidelity unbreakable and invisible, exists with its full power, and one acquires it by permeation, not only by taking part in the life of the human beings, because the Community Son or Daughter should not only participate but also fuse together and penetrate. There cannot be two hearts or two thoughts, but only one thought and only one action.
I say to penetrate into the Community Sons-companions because it is the only way to the total removal of the personal being; it is indispensable to fulfill our appointed mission and to bring a new feeling to life; it is indispensable to teach the human beings not happiness but “the” Happiness, and to give to men the route to follow, and not several routes. So we need our holy, living and perpetuated Mystical Body.
It is unbearable to consider the spiritual life from a personal viewpoint. Sometimes the spiritual works need an eternity for their realization. A Table needs almost ten years for its establishment, and almost twenty years for its expansion.
I quiver before this divine work that I must realize. It is necessary a person for the realization of the work, and we achieve this through the Mystical Body, and when and if we permeate each other. The body is always strong and vigorous; we are the blood, permeating all and fulfilling the work left by others, and we continue to live and work always. What does it matter when one shall die? We are ready to face all that brings spiritual expansion.
There are no bodies; the body is only one: that of the Divine Mother. Of course, we achieve this through our little daily work, being one with those that have different likes and being pleasant with those that we do not like. What does it matter if I die right now? Certainly, as soon as I die I am going to penetrate into de body of another being to be the Knight Great Master on Earth. You never died; you come back always to perform and continue the work that you did. You shall penetrate into the body of another Daughter or Son in formation, and that is about to come; our participation is permeation and life; our physical body and the expression of our being disappear, and then there is only one body.
In the Community there is not a Superior, an Assistant, a Director or a Master; it is only one being that fulfils this. I should not say, “I fulfill these things better than another Son”, or “This is not right”. I must say, “Today I succeeded”. I should not say, “That young woman, that gentleman, that Daughter”. If something is wrong, I am responsible for it. If she tells me something unpleasant, I am responsible for having transmitted it. Also I am obedient, and if I obey and work, I am praying; and if a pray, I am working. I am in the world, and you are in the world with me. There are not two beings; our Body is a unique expression; we are only one thing and only one life. Of course, this understanding gradually permeates one’s soul and finally this idea permeates us in such a way that we think that certain thought is of another person: the other person is me.
Then this gives us a cohesive power, which exists throughout changes. The reversibility of the change becomes in us an ever-acting power, in continuous expansion beyond human limits until the Infinite. This is the only form that the human beings can do something: our realization is possible becoming ourselves divine.
In the Community life, the Change is the salt of our existence; in a life of continuous self-control, apparently the soul gets ever used to a rhythm But it is not so; this is the divine miracle of the Mystical Body of the Divine Mother. But this in-consubstantial form is expressed all over the world in thousand expressions, and also takes place in us as Mystical Body of the Divine Mother, but, which is the gift of reversibility in change? Is there some difference between my former life in the Seminary and now, when I am with the children? There is no change. It is reversibility; light and shadow at the same time, without a continuous influence of this light. The Community life changes continuously; today I am at one House and tomorrow I disappeared, and I am at another House; inadvertently, today, in the hour of silence, I prepared my things and I am gone. I remain always where I have been; I never leave this place. To change is not to move to another side: I am in the Body of the Divine Mother, and I did just one thing: to expand with Her. The adaptation of the soul to these continuous changes is more difficult, because the soul responds to certain method and rhythm, and has to experience a transformation that the soul will not notice. This is the assimilation of the unique life of the Mystical Body of the Divine Mother, continuously reflected.
My work changes “Always”. Today I am with you, and tomorrow I am with the Sons that are in the world. I do no make any efforts for this change, because this change has to be natural. One has to say to himself, “Today you are this, and tomorrow you are a school-teacher teaching in your classroom. All experiences changes and transformations, but I do not notice them. You go on; you are always the same. This is reversibility, change of life; to change through our activities while we do not resent within; reversibility is change, and you do not notice this at all.
…You have heard the bell; also this is reversibility.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
