Course XLVII - Teaching 34: The House Stands without Support (July 6th, 1957)
Many years ago, the Knight Great Master asked a holy man how the soul realized that it reached a true spiritual understanding, and this man replied, “When the house stands without a support”.
This sentence is a synthesis of the spiritual life in Cafh.
When a soul is able to stand alone, that is, when it does not need a support, we can say that this soul knows the Truth and shall not be fooled again by partial or apparent truths.
“I believe that the substance of the spiritual life in Cafh is to remove any deceitful consolation and false knowledge. The soul should be self-supported, on the basis of Renunciation”.
A man that wants the truth is tired of visiting sanctuaries and of the deceitful appearance of what is divine and supernatural.
All present values have to expire for the self-discovery of the Humanity.
Any spiritual and religious path emerges from the light of love, sacrifice and renunciation. All Founders only promise sorrow and plain cross. The Buddha, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Therese, Ramakrishna and El Kabir promise a self-annihilation state.
An ordinary man looks for consolation; that is why religions are involved in dogmas, ceremonies and doctrines.
Even the redeeming Christ’ doctrine should be considered in a cosmic sense; otherwise it leads us to a deceitful Truth.
Men want and beg the consolation bread; that is why they are exploited and fooled. They expect to hear: I forgive you. They want the promise of Heaven.
Our doctrine wants us to be brave and strong, on the basis of a self-supported soul. Renunciation is absence of any human and divine consolations. So, Renunciation gives us a unique teaching, and does not involve us in many teachings and knowledge.
Renunciation develops in us a state of self-realization and feeling.
The House should be a spiritual Truth and to be self-supported. It is a plain doctrine that makes us quiver before the reality, and allows us to dare and reveal the reality to the souls. Now, when the soul surrenders to the Divine Mother, we should not deceit it or make it believe that it is necessary to wait for the spiritual liberation.
A soul has nothing to wait for; a soul should be “self-realized before the divine expression of the Truth”.
We should not request consolation if we know that this consolation is just a palliative for our blindness and weakness. When we speak of human misery we do not refer to sin. but to a human misery made for death, old age and disease.
Our mission does not give consolation, but discovers the Truth: “You cannot find any consolation to support yourself; the Spiritual Realization is in you as you live your Renunciation”.
When we do not renounce, we want to split hairs with our mind and to justify our lack of Renunciation.
A mental illusion fools us and makes us believe that somebody needs us.
We should analyze our feelings. We should not allow that our mind forge fancy and reasoning by means of our feelings. There is only one real thing: a handful of ashes.
No feeling is real, but through the Divine Mother. No knowledge is true, because true knowledge is stable soul surrender to the Divine Mother.
One has to be like steel, resistant and strong. Many renounce, but later they accept sublime ties.
Let us compare the soul with a supersonic plane; apparently the pilot loses his notion of time, his memory and the physical reality by the speed, and then he lives a state of immensity in which nothing counts. Pilots tell this.
We are in the immensity, but this does not mean that we lose the control of the plane. Our subconscious becomes more attentive.
A soul that renounce is apparently cold and heartless, with no contact with the world and its reality, as we know our heart, we see how resistant it is, and that its sensibility encompasses all beings that are, were and shall come.
Even though he has no culture, we notice the power of his knowledge in his sayings. His word is life.
They do not need consolation or forgiveness to be redeemed, because there are self-redeemed.
Of course, we should fight for achieving this, but the Truth is own power.
So, if the Divine Mother came and said: “You cannot be saved”, I would feel to be saved, because my soul acquired the concept of Eternity.
There is no greater martyrdom than to live without consolation: this is the greatest and more real holocaust, which permits us to understand the immensity of feeling and reason.
It is tremendous to think that we have not anything or anyone; that is why our mind goes back in search of someone remembering us; but when this break takes place, we encompass the Humanity. For instance: during a holiday, as we were with the Knight Great Master and looked at the children in the refectory, he made us understand how within 50 years, there will be other Daughters and children, and they even will not remember us.
This experience should not be softened for the time to come; concepts of human consolations should not accede to Cafh, transforming it into a channel of dogmas, indulgences and consolations.
We should fight for this whole Renunciation truth; this must be our heritage for those than will come; they should not have the same experience of other religions in which there were great founders, and later great souls distorting their verities.
Our truth is this: The House self-supported. If we realize this House in ourselves, it will not perish.