Course XLVII - Teaching 33: How Adoration Should Be Made for Disincarnated Souls (June 29th, 1957)
Once, someone asked the Superior how one should “entertain” during Worship time. He wanted to know how to spend that time, and how to meditate and pray.
As our mission is extraordinary, it calls our attention something like this, because love should replace any deficient ability to pray; but, we should have certain rules and to be able to devote time to the souls in the hereafter.
If your soul loves, time flies. Then you arrive and see the Divine Mother and those beings claiming for their liberation around. So, time flies.
A Son that prays much said that a characteristic of prayer is that hours and minutes do not count; if the Lord allows the soul to experience moments of dryness and difficulties, for this reason one has to start his prayer with method. We may have distractions, but the best way to a fruitful prayer, is to be able to think and feel by means of our imagination.
Example: the father of a Daughter. She asked of the Knight Great Master to pray for her father. In a vision, the Knight Great Master could see the weak old man taking the Bell Ville bus, looking for her mate, and finding her. As the Knight Great Master requested certain information, he was told that this man recently he had gone to stay with her wife, but did not realize “his state”.
We should be close to this being, and tell him that such road is non-existent –that is illusory.
These are physical elements that he carried with himself to the hereafter, and this is the cause of his sadness and sorrow. The Knight Great Master spent two hours like that.
First: One should offer his prayer for the most abandoned souls, for those that none reminds, and that are suffering; one should think of those discarnate beings that still believe to stay here, in a body. This causes despair, because nothing is worse than to believe that one lives “without state”, and to want to take part in physical possessions. We must be companions of these beings.
Example: Flood. Deaths and damages caused by this flood. They do not realize their state: they see their houses coming down continuously. They lose cattle. They claim in despair: My God! Mother!
They need someone else to help them. We should see them with eyes of our soul and of our faith. We should listen at them with understanding derived from the spiritual doctrine.
We should help them, “I am a soul that came to stay at your side, and to lend you a hand in this hard situation. You never were drowned. If you could realize this, you would be in ‘the other world’ immediately”.
We should imagine ourselves going through fields; all is full of disaster, We should weep with them. “I understand your pain, now that you have lost the very precious gift of life, but I am the Messenger, the Bearer of another Life that is happier and without death.”
Example: Obituaries. An old man, looking at the clouds by night, would see over there the outlined faces of old and young persons, and imagined them to be souls going to Heaven.
This old man was seeing similar images of those beings that had passed away while he thought of them.
Our time for Worship is too short, especially for the great mission that we should carry out. That is why we should avoid any distractions.
Example: The Book of Psalms and its wonderful expressions allow us to stay with the discarnate souls.
De profundis: Over there, these depths are greater than those in the hour of death; you do not know where you are and what your destiny is. “Out of the depths I cried unto thee, oh Lord. Lord, hear my voice; let your ears be attentive to the voices of my supplications”.
We have to repeat these words to the ear, and to teach how to articulate them as our mother did with us upon her lap in our childhood and wanted to teach prayers.
“We have lost our way, but if we look at Thee…”; then we feel our soul expanded, the notion of time disappear, and this hour should be transformed into every hour of our lifetime.
We should teach the song of praise taking their hands. Everything fades away: Sic transit gloria mundi noctem…”. We have to tell: The hour of the deepest darkness is here, but I have a secret our: “Repeat with me this formula of my Vows: ‘Renounce to the world’”.
So the soul surrenders voluntarily.
We should stimulate ourselves by means of images and figures in order to fulfill rightly our work.
A worldly Son may have troubles, but an Ordained Son has to substitute this deficiency for love. This love has to be quite great and replace every worldly mission.
We should Worship fervently and lovingly. We should charge this hour with sighs and weeps of those that are walking in the night; so this darkness shall be blessed with sweet, because this is not a personal fruit, but a voluntary burden of love.
Only one soul is enough to get our hand and to go through the Threshold of Light.