Course XLVII - Teaching 24: Community Vocations (December 18th, 1956)

Tsong-ka-pa says that the seven first years spent in a Community are the most difficult, because the spirit of Community takes forms during these years; the ten following years, the Mystical Body of the Community takes forms, but the Community is unshakeable after fifty years.
He means that the beginning is the basis, and that the first souls must be rightly formed because they are the foundation of all.
Our Community is like chess: in our Community every soul plays a part, and all need to contain in themselves every aspect of Community life.
The Knight Great Master can say that the Tables of the Solitary are already formed, and that he may discard them, but he cannot say the same about communities that still have to be formed. If we consider they short life, one may say that much has been done, and still there is much to do. In the initial start there is a very important thing: to establish rightly the vocation and to choose vocations.
This is one of the greatest and hardest problems. To know which souls are destined to live in Community is one of the deepest mysteries of the Divine. Of course, there are many outstanding souls, of sacrifice and prayer, that living in Community failed, while we called other simpler souls.
It is important to know what souls are chosen souls. How can one say yes or no to an aspirant? The Knight Great Master refuses to test them and that they return to the world if he considers them unfit. He is reticent in this sense and feels an awful fear, because his little experience has taught him that nobody that touches this fire avoids to be burnt. None treads on the sanctuary of the Divine Mother and later does not stand such a terrible and deep wound that we do not know if can be healed. They are deadly hurt in spite of not taking the Vow and of being free of any commitment.
We must take especial care of not hurting. But if they satisfy all requirements for their Ordination, should we admit them? What are those factors that determine us to do this? We have no vision to say if a soul is useful or not. Therefore, we must pray, and patience is our second weapon. We should recommend these souls to the Mother, and to avoid any interference from our personality with this request, even we should be unaware of the name of this soul. There are many factors that excite human sympathy, which is always false and counteracting before the mysteries of God.
We should pray impersonally. Prayer is our weapon. Only the Mother can give true solution. Let us speak of those souls with vocation that when are in community, have no peace or strength according to their vocation. Why not? Is it their fault or our fault; or Superiors’ fault that do not know how to lead them on the path? We had and have souls that are at this point.
Let us discard those souls that, carried away by their enthusiasm, hold this wrong belief: that Ordination and to be Ordained means to be superior and to give orders.
Let us speak of young persons with true vocation. We should observe them in depth: their ideas should not vary, and sadness should not crash them.
You should cheer them up to stand fast. A soul may be idealistic, but if we find a true love to the Divine Mother, we have to help and guide this soul to stand fast. We should not test this person and later send it to the world, so that they see if are able to follow other path.
Let us pray for vocations. Just the Mother can illuminate them.
Let us take care of the Observance, not only by inner renunciation, but also outer renunciation. The world can also practice inner renunciation, but we have to be models of asceticism and Renunciation. We have this grace of living as none in the world: to renounce.
An image of living renunciation: outside and inside. This gives us strength to attract true vocations. Saint Therese said: When a Community is rightly formed, one can admit lukewarm daughters, but send good individuals to form a new Community. The coming souls shall not fail if we are good individuals. Men are weaker, and women stronger; the latter have more spirit of sacrifice, and are not as sentimental as men.
May God illuminate you and illuminate us to be able to guide when these souls are with us: to open their hearts and to put in their hearts the Divine Mother’s heart.
All have to weep for failures, but we are totally responsible before the Divine Majesty.
The basic point in our life of prayer is: I am totally unfit, but may my life, my spirit of renunciation be so perfect that nobody gets disillusioned or loses his vocation by my fault; may I not bring any obstacle with my lack of observance.
The souls suffer when they go to the world because they could not find here a fruit that they looked for. If their vocation were false, they would forget. It is as the one that reads a book and forgets it. But those souls suffer because this was their first spiritual love, and they have lost it.
Let us pray for souls of those that passed away and are suffering. Certain Sons do not know about the suffering in the hereafter. If we would see it, we would die of terror. They suffer a hell in this world: there is not worse hell or greater martyrdom than to lose the first illusion, especially when this illusion is spiritual.
Let us pray for tender young persons that fervently follow the path of Renunciation; may God delete this idea if they are not called; but if they come, may they sustain the Divine Love, and may we teach them how to respond to the grace that they have received. This grace is as vast as God Himself; that is why no human voice can discover it; and as our Divine Mother says, a perfect Community Ordained Son can transform the world, and neither Gandhi nor any person as great a Gandhi has so extraordinary mission.
Let us pray. Superiors should act when necessary: respect for conventions or fear to come off badly should not overcome us, because if we make others suffer, they shall respond.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
