Course XLVII - Teaching 22: Spiritual Direction according to the Knight Great Master (October 6th, 1956)
This is a matter of common concern because almost all Sons are under his direction. Here he explained his concepts about the direction of souls, and his particular methods to share and understand his idea by identifying us with it. All this is particular and nothing has to do with the method of other Directors that lead the Sons toward the state of perfection; even he does not want to change or contradict instructions given by the Regulation and Interpretation. No. Every Spiritual Director has his own method.
In the Superior’s case, the only way is the pointed by the Regulation and Interpretation. The Knight Great Master’s mode does not contradict or criticize anything; simply it is his mode “because”, he said, “as human beings we are like flowers; every flower has its type, its perfume and its time to bloom; the worst thing would be to believe that one should follow a one-sided path. This is impossible”.
When a soul surrenders to a Spiritual Director, this choice does not depend on the soul or on men; this is something mysterious, divine, and unknown to man.
You cannot explain rationally the law of union of souls, and you cannot define it because “what I think or you think” comes from God.
Also the Knight Great Master thinks that, when he is given a soul to direct, this is so because the soul has been united with him from other times. He does not know where from, when, or how, but he cannot imagine that a soul can be directed just one day. This soul comes from earlier times, from a distant time.
Of course, this is a personal opinion, because his direction is something of God: it is like love emerging when it wants.
“When I receive a soul to guide, this soul is mine, and I am of this soul”. This is not a relationship of dependence, but strictly a relationship of union. Love is the only one that gives spiritual union; there is no dependence between them. This understanding is fundamental. This means: “I understand this soul, and this soul understands me, and what this soul receives of me shall be the only ideal rule that this soul needs to reach perfection”.
Knight Great Master’s opinion: The Spiritual Guide begins in the eternity and ends up in the Eternity. This is Union.
Therefore, if the soul went to the last corner of Earth, this does not mean that his guide ends up. There cannot be something that is and is not at the same time. Once you loved, you cannot stop loving. A soul belongs to its Director until it attains perfection. It is the only good and purpose which you can aim at.
Spiritual Director and Superior are two different things. What the Superior says and teaches is wonderful and extraordinary. But if the Spiritual Director takes charge of a soul, he directs this soul any time: “I have to be with you, I belong to you in spirit”.
A soul cannot have veils for his Superior; these are not veils of words, but veils as to the voice of the heart; there must be inner sincerity.
The Director teaches continuously his soul and gives his teaching. The influence is physical, astral, mental and spiritual. He must be able to become his image, his example: This way the soul moves toward God.
The Teaching is universal (first type) when is imparted to men through Revelations of the great religions, and is written everywhere.
The Teaching of Cafh (second type) is imparted to the Sons. The Teaching of the third type is deep and intimate, and it is imparted to us through Spiritual Direction: from soul to soul.
Therefore, one should not be surprised if we are not called periodically, because sometimes it is better so; otherwise, this conversation becomes a routine. As the Director is above all a teacher, he could respond to or direct a habit and this would be a burden, not any help.
The Knight Great Master has his own method: he directs with a reproach, and utters a word when all are together. The main thing is to think much of the Sons and to remain close to them when they need him. He prefers that they ask his direction.
He leads by making a wry face, or by clapping one’s shoulder. The Knight Great Master says that he has not the gift of communication by word as other spiritual directors do.
He gives every one the teaching that he considers ideal.
Personal concept of the Knight Great Master: If a Son comes and tells about his distractions in prayer, he gives him the remedy once; and he dislikes repeating things. To repeat things would be a waste of time. If your sayings are many, you are wasting much.
He has talked to certain souls just once in their lives, and nothing more. It would be a repetition to continue his teachings. There are Eternal Teachings: Teachings of the Spiritual Director must be Word for the Son.
Do not feel helpless if you do not converse with the Director. This conversation could be just a pleasure and nothing more.
You should listen to the Director’s voice when you are alone and meditating. When he is far away is nearer, and in dreams also teaches and guides us if we are ready. His method contains few words.
The Knight Great Master’s conviction is that just as the Mother gives life to his son not only talking to him but also keeping him close to her boson, so the Director teaches.
He gives always the Teaching: strolls and meals; he gives them his own strength and magnetism.
The early Sons felt the need of being close to him. A father influencing his son is something fundamental. So, master and disciple should have the same spiritual trend, the same likes; just as those that marry like the same things, so the souls walk together toward the spiritual perfection. The Director must be an example. But one should see him, because it is easy to make a mistake in this. Usually one believes that a Spiritual Director, a Superior, has to be a saint to imitate. This is totally wrong. We flowers entirely different flowers, with a different mood. For instance, a phlegmatic person cannot imitate a person of a nervous mood.
Imitation is inner. Outside you find a man with his habits and so on. We imitate a man that has realized God within. Imitation is in the very womb of the Divine Mother, in the most secret place.
The Spiritual Director should not be a guide, but the one that prepares the path, and removes stones and obstacles.
The souls do not want to be touched. The more you touch roses, the more they whither. You must water them and remove weeds, but not to touch roses too much.
Certain people believe that the Spiritual Director shall give the Divine Union. This is a self-realized mystery. The Spiritual Director is the image of the Great Spiritual Director.
The Loving Union must be only that of the Spiritual Director and the soul under him. The image of the Great Spiritual Director is leading us from the hereafter: He is the door toward the Divine Realization.