Course XLVII - Teaching 1: Doctrine of Cafh
After taking statistics, one can say all religions have more or less the same number of followers. What is the universal religion, and what religion comprises Humanity as a whole?: none.
But if the Providence orders their adequacy according to country, temperament of the inhabitants, and climate, and even allows them developing, this means that these religions are messengers of Revelation, with a tradition going back to a primordial source of our race.
And if we study in depth dogmas and doctrines of religions, we see them coinciding and with a fundamental basis, and that their divergences are always difficult mysteries to solve. Who was able to solve the mystery about if grace or freewill prevails, if God created the world from nothing or made it to emanate from himself? Who can know this? No human being.
Every religion comes from the true universal religion leading our race from the beginning.
Tradition and revelation of religions are truly ideas given by Divine Instructors of the Race; it was the true Revelation conveyed and the image of the Divine Mother the work to develop by the individual being on Earth and those supernatural means within his reach to develop it.
A Cafh’s Son should have quite defined ideas. The belief of the Son in God should be something fundamental.
I speak of believing in God in a transcendent sense because of course if two persons are discussing and one of them says, “God is all”, and the other says, “It is God who created all things” and believes in a God creator, here is an idea, an ideology. Others gave other ideas, and so on; but let us see the thing.
The truth about God is fundamental knowledge, sure knowledge existing in the soul about a fundamental beginning of the Universe. Now, if this fundamental beginning of the Universe has entirely emanated from itself, so the whole Universe is an emanation of itself. So, one can say God created all things from nothing, because in himself God had only substance and created all things from this substance.
Those who believe in a God creator say God created from his essence or from his thought. All is the same.
It is important to believe in this transcendent, real God, in the existence of a cosmic, unseen beginning from which all things are coming. Here is the fundamental basis.
That a Son believes in God with one aspect or in God with other aspect, or without an aspect, all this is something that everyone can take according to his own inclination and education, but the fundamental basis remains intact.
The man should recognize that as he has been placed on Earth before Humanity and Cosmos, with his reason, emotional capacity and understanding, he cannot comprise the mysteries of God as a whole; so, the mystery of grace and freewill remains always before him.
His mind can reach certain point by means of freewill, but it is impossible for him to grasp certain things and in case of achieving it, it is by means of a super-conscious state named grace.
It is an unchangeable, fundamental belief that no man has even seen God or been able to understand the immensity of God.
If none can understand this, so, to certain extent man needs help from a knower, from him who climbed the Path, or comes from other plane knowing the truth. It is the mystery of the divine being coming to us. All religions believe in a divine being, in an incarnation, in a Son of God.
Here is a fundamental belief. The man grasps to certain extent, but later needs help; he achieves a point, and again achieves alone other little piece of his spiritual path and ascension.
A fundamental, indispensable belief is the divine transcendence beyond all things. There are in the world powers of good and evil that disappear as the individual being has attained an improvement state. He has to fight good and evil in the world.
Certain religions have separated and cut good and evil: matter is evil and spirit is good.
This viewpoint vanishes by itself. It recognizes good as the presence of the divine being in the individual being, and evil as his absence from our soul.
It is when one is in possession of these fundamental verities that we see how great God is, how little the human being is, and what means will allow reaching that greatness.
Our life differs from worldly living and teaches us that a man reaches his liberation throughout the Path, not through a dogmatic path, forced revelation, or arbitrary unity, but by means of mystical efforts leading the soul to liberation.
Cafh holds as universal doctrine: what in every religion is; and it holds the doctrine of its experience, the experience of its Sons.
Here is the Cafh’s link.
Cafh is a mystical path and goes beyond dogmatic frames established for God realization through Renunciation mysticism.
Cafh is aware of how valuable dogmas and Unity Revelation may be, but recognizes that nobody can reach liberation without mystical efforts.
Cafh holds a universal doctrine, namely, a doctrine extant in all religions, and a doctrine of its experience, namely, experience of its Sons.
Many mistake one doctrine for another. For instance, no Teaching establishes compulsory beliefs, with the exception of the belief in a Divine Incarnation, the Mystical Renunciation Path. Except this, no Teaching establishes compulsory beliefs. I am for reincarnation, but in Cafh’s Teaching no reference or assertion about this Truth can be found.
Generally doctrines say this is fair or unfair, but Cafh avoid definitions and does not establish a compulsory belief; a soul is free; and one should have a divine evidence to assert a truth.
Reincarnation should be true; otherwise nothing can prove the Divine Plan. But none can elucidate when this comes true. You cannot take for sure that all beings come once, and Cafh does not state it. No being has come and stated that the soul return to Earth is non-existent.
You must differentiate the Cafh’s doctrine from doctrines of other paths.
The unchangeable Cafh’s doctrine is based upon mysticism, namely upon soul efforts for the inner realization.
To read books is a good thing, but some people read books and state what a book says; they want to shape a whole concept about this idea but do not reject or refute. Not only this, but also they change our principles because their doctrine is not written on fundamental Cafh’s principles.
How many times persons have come and said, “A bad soul can be lost as a soul”; Madame Blavatsky says so. I respect her, but do not believe it; I’ll never believe that a soul can be lost as a soul.
Also other people state: “A human soul is not in se a whole participation of God”; it means that the spirit is indivisible, but the soul is something entirely separate and illusory. Cafh does not believe in it; Cafh believes that a human soul is a part of the divine spirit.
It is a good thing to hold clear, fundamental concepts about your doctrine, since it is inadmissible for a Son to belong to Cafh and lack fundamental notions about its doctrine. Those who are of the world should be guided.
The doctrine is very important and should be treasured in the heart, deeply meditated, subject of meditations, intensively loved, and recognized by us as the only one able to give salvation.
If we recognize that no religion is universal, we should believe that all of them are true as they reach the highest and loftiest point. They are essential when they shape great souls, that is to say, if and when they develop mysticism and this mysticism is unique, true realization of God on Earth.
No religion can save us if realization does not come by means of mysticism, which is assisted by the protectors, the Holy Mother, and the immensity of the Cosmic Principle assisting us.
I recommend you to develop this concept by reading good books that will enable you elucidating the truth.
Sometimes certain books are boring and contain so many things; but perhaps you find there the light of mysticism, light of the truth, and one sentence is too much satisfactory: you have read a book that was seemingly useless and in disagreement with our thinking.
Many people are waiting for the new religion. If so, this religion would be a new religion to add to others. The true religion is a sublimation of religions, and realization of privileged souls from everywhere: it is the true tradition attained by all great mystics that achieved this realization.
It is important not to remain locked in an ideological, doctrinal frame; so, the Renunciation mysticism will give us a perfect liberation.