Course XLVI - Teaching 5: Usual Silence and Rigorous Silence

The Sons will observe very rigorous Silence during their stay in the Seminary. They will not speak or have any treat with other Ordained Sons, and if the Director instructs them to perform certain errand, their words will be strictly indispensable with the related persons.
They can speak just when the Superior of Community interrogates them.
Sons: always avoid useless conversations, even during the period of manual work, and do not talk to persons who for work or need are in the house or come to pay a visit. In the case of a visitor, of a person on the way or of strange people at work in the House, if the latter greet or request something, you will greet with modesty answering evasively the question or sending them to the Sons in charge. In rooms you will never talk for any cause, even in case of disease, except to your Superior. In case of any other problem, just call your Superior.
Do not talk in corridors of bedrooms or in halls of prayer or study; your can do this only in living rooms.
You will make public penitence during the lectures of Saturday if you do not observe Silence.
The period of rigorous Silence must be observed not only regarding words, but even the least noise will not be heard in the Seminary or in the House of Community.
Sons, do not go to bed with some worry, doubt or fault in the soul; after the bell for Rigorous Silence at night, go to the Director’s room and trust him your affliction; at once you will feel well to enjoy a holy rest.
Every one in his room can devote to his devotions and spiritual reading during thirty minutes after the Rigorous Silence; later, all lights will remain off, except the light of guard.
Those Sons that do not wish to sleep can pray, read or study during the Rigorous Silence of the afternoon.
When the Superior deems necessary, for higher perfection or because of any especial request, he will establish an hour of Adoration during the period of Rigorous Silence, in the afternoon or at night, for the entire Community or for certain Sons in particular.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
