Course XLVI - Teaching 13: External Behavior

The Sons never should abandon their period of study and prayer for a work, however urgent it is; but if the Superior or Director assigns them a task out of the period of manual work, they should perform it very quickly and joyfully.
The Son will leave their Radius of Stability just by important motives or by sickness, but always accompanied.
Sons: do not have familiarity or useless conversations with persons that you should treat outside, and in case of visits, do not accept anything, except with permission of the Superior. If you are visiting someone, keep your composure and do not intervene in the conversation of a Superior; but answer properly and solicitously if someone talks to you; do not request anything and do not transmit reports of someone in the presence of anyone.
Superiors: the Sons should enjoy their weekly strolls and good walks during this period of sound fun and joy, and if they do not go out, should practice a sport. They neither have to be isolated or nor have to form groups.
They should try to converse about useful and edifying things during their strolls and recreation. Before any stroll, they must meet to recite the related prayer.
When you go out, and even in the House, look with modesty; your eyes must be half-opened as usual, and do not look at persons in the face. Your eyes are windows of the soul and have to be totally devoted to the Divine Mother.
You will be all together during your recreation, and in no way you will leave. If someone is authorized to leave, he will greet when he leaves and when he gets back. Do not request permission to leave for futile things during your recreation period.
Your greeting has to be as follows: bowing the head before the Community; you greet this way any time, as long as you enter or leave when the Community is assembled.
Every day, after the Rigorous Silence in the afternoon, the Sons will meet in the living room of the Community to receive instructions from the Superior.
Sons: your external behavior has to be always edifying. If the Regulation dedicates an entire Teaching to the behavior of all Sons of Cafh, how higher behavior the Ordained Sons must keep.
Walk but not run, without excitation; and do not cast a glance right and left. When you are seated, you should not cross your legs or adopt too much comfortable postures.
You should not laugh or cry too much; all must be moderate.
Sons: avoid any familiarity among you; do not touch or embrace one another; do not take your hands for any reason; do not show external affection; and stay at a respectful distance.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
