Course XLV - Teaching 16: Women’s Ordination

Women’s Ordination is peculiarly and basically different from that of Men.
Women as Ordained Daughters and to become Ordained Daughters, have to live in Community.
Otherwise, may an Ordained Daughter do something that a Daughter of Table of Lonely Beings cannot do? If sometimes, an Ordained Daughter must be in the world for certain especial mission, this would in a temporary –never permanent– way.
Even works made by Ordained Daughters in Houses of Cafh could be made by non-Ordained volunteers.
An Ordained Woman is authorized as such just when she takes her Vow of Renunciation and lives a life of total chastity; otherwise, she cannot exist as an Ordained Woman because the Daughters of Lonely Beings are able to perform her duties.
Her openly priestly character is a result of the absolute chastity of the Ordained Woman. And since chastity must be constantly defended, she protects it in a way unique and exclusive by living in Community and following its strict discipline.
Many somewhat dreamy souls felt that Ordination is a title more, a white veil on their heads, and later an ordinary life. And certain women even believed that they could be housewives and possess that title. But Superiors wisely dissuaded them in the sense that Ordination was not a title, but a conclusive reality. Those few married women who, by an extraordinary vocation, could be accepted and Ordained, should abandon home and affections and surrender entirely to life in Community and to a continuous practice of chastity.
Cafh’s Women, keep in mind this concept, which must be properly explained to any Daughter who comes to the Seminary: Women’s Ordination is Community and Chastity.
Men, although chaste, perform their priesthood by assisting continuously those souls entrusted to them, by teaching the revealed Truths of Cafh, and through their priestly apostolate that enables them to communicate with all beings by means of their blood Vow; but women confirm, demonstrate and justify their Ordination by means of a continuous chastity and life in Community.
Although Ordained Daughters never take, like the Knight Masters, an everlasting Vow of Renunciation, it is beyond imagination that these women are not like them in the innermost depths of their souls. During a meeting in Community, an Ordained Daughter said she desired personally rather death than a dispensation of her Vow of Renunciation. And here is the true spirit that must encourage any Ordained Daughter: a surrender of her freedom and chastity to the Divine Mother for the rest of her life. Although these women do not take Vow of Everlasting Union like Cafh’s Superiors, they do in spirit: self-offering like Voluntary blood Victims to keep the spirit of union among all Cafh’s Sons.
They have to renew their Everlasting Vow in spirit every time they hear the prayer of blessing, when they address these beautiful words to the Divine Mother: “I am united with you, by an Everlasting Vow of Union with all Sons of Cafh, who were, are and will be”.
Even for certain especially authorized souls, it is convenient to take this Everlasting Vow in a way private and formal.
Although a Vow of Renunciation admits dispensation, how would live in the world a soul who once entered the Sanctuary of the Divine Mother? And overall, in a woman who offered her best possession to the Divine Mother: her chastity? How can these souls, over there in the world, ask of the Divine Mother the key of pleasure, which once they have surrendered to Her?
A Superior said to other: “Up to these days I hear the words of the Knight Great Master, in Full Moon 1952 on occasion of a dispensation of a Vow of Renunciation: ‘Mother, may any dispensation be for others, not for me; rather death that defeat; rather death than that. May I be the last being in your House before I may be vomited again to the world”.
Women’s Ordination is the crown of Cafh: it is its power, hope and source of means. But their Ordination acquires everlasting and indestructible value if they establish it. And divine things cannot be established in appearances, ranks and habits, but in Eternal Verities. And in a woman as a priest, her Eternal Truth is the gift of the Divine Mother, which distinguishes her like a woman, that is, an offering of her chastity for the rest of her life.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
