Course XLIII - Teaching 9: Heart-Card Suit Meaning

Here is the meaning of upright heart-card suit:
ACE means: matrix, domestic things; intimate troubles and family events unknown to strangers; a new idea takes form and grows in the mind.
TWO: expansive love; in the event of an idea, search of a mate; in the event of a secret, its tentative revelation; in the event of love, search of the corresponding person.
THREE: intimate love-matters; ideal; exalted, noble and spiritual thoughts. Love becomes worship; idea transformed into ideal; art or religion becomes intimate bliss.
FOUR: intimate suffering, secret tears, sorrows that cannot be told, love-pains, misunderstood love, unrequited love, spiritual vocation, secret yearnings, inner bitterness, unrealizable ideals. Works derived from intimate things or secret yearnings.
FIVE: a son; fruit of intimate things; result of our affections, feelings and ideals. In a house: established home: mother, siblings and relatives. Everything is inside.
SIX: experience in love; knowledge about love; a wife who knows what she expects from his husband; a mother who know why she loves her son. Spiritual guide; adviser; true friend; intimate friend.
SEVEN: triumph. Triumph related to mother, love, fecundity, feminine aspect as a whole, even in man. Triumph in art, beautiful things, ecstasy. Maturity, fullness.
EIGHT: inner harmony. Harmony in sentimental values; triumph of serenity over love and enthusiasm. It is image of a love that renounces and gives; love of Initiates; confidences.
NINE: success without exaggerated displays of feeling; true victory of Initiates of Fire. Mass victory, collective victory, victory of Nature and cosmic forces.
TEN: intimate things in a city, nation or race; happenings in a city or nation where one lives or in our own race.
JACK: in a house: maid, boy, servant, youth. In a city: urban public services. In the world: communications.
KNIGHT: students, apprentices; all those things that return to their previous state; an expedition, journey, or mission.
QUEEN: a woman at the height of her life; a mother; an idea at the height of its development; a mature idea; fruitful love.
KING: A young man; in love; enthusiastic; a mature man to create ideas, but before he realizes them; a man whose ideals are taking form. At home, a young man, a father.
Here is the meaning of upside-down heart-suit cards:
ACE: intimate things frustrated; unrest, worry; wasted efforts; the desire for getting rid from certain relationship with society, school or family.
TWO: any unrealized subconscious desire; vicious desires that cannot be told; love-desires that cannot be told out of shyness or illicitness; the desire for being what one cannot be.
THREE: worship of beauty; dedication to art; love for Nature; sentimentalism.
FOUR: worries; preoccupation derived from rearing children and from reciprocal tolerance in married life. Patience; senile love.
FIVE: sacrifice for the sake of the beloved; renunciation to agreeable and pleasant things. Religious or spiritual vocation.
SIX: detachment from excessive material affections; to be tired of material pleasures and of bitterness that they produce; desire for pure and spiritual loves. Fruit of affective meditation. In the event of spiritual guides, success in their labor.
SEVEN: a woman, along with all her feminine and potential values; decent and diligent wife; loving bride; love of a mother for her grown-up children.
EIGHT: death of a human love; love, affection or friendship that came irremediably to an end; sentimental links broken up.
NINE: change of mind as for feelings; spiritual conversion; passion for arts or sciences in mature age; new love replacing another precedent love.
TEN: love for one’s neighbor, fellow men, and humanity. Priestly love. Initiatic love. Divine Love. JACK: prostitute; a person who commits illicit acts in love; false love; treason in love.
KNIGHT: transaction, treaty, deal, documents signed; business of any kind.
QUEEN: an artist; a woman pleasant to a community; a woman in public charge; governess.
KING: active and enterprising man; chief, director, foreman.

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