Course XLIII - Teaching 12: Diamond-Card Suit Meaning

Upright Diamond-card suit means:
ACE: brilliant intelligence; quite balanced mind; self-control; mental control over others.
TWO: business, pleasure, study trip. Advantageous journey. Future successful two-person society.
THREE: successful deals; money: good job; prize in lottery.
FOUR: legacy, donation, inheritance through will; unexpected amount. Spiritually, to receive and understand spiritual teachings.
FIVE: in man, he pays cash for love; in a woman, marriage in a biased way. Renunciation to love out of attachment to money.
SIX: luck; earnings through gambling; deals out proportion.
SEVEN: brilliant professional prospect. Spiritually, achievement of psychic powers. Mentally, ability to think and reflect. At home, children, happiness, wellbeing.
EIGHT: comfortable status; ecclesiastic hierarchy. Spiritually, Initiation.
NINE: entertainment. Recreation tours; socialization, happy and indulgent life, parties; joy.
TEN: a lot of money. Money. Good stock-market deals. Sure money, solid wealth.
JACK: young and smart professional; he will thrive.
KNIGHT: messenger brings good news. Letter with money; check. Mentally, discovery of the path, to know how to act.
QUEEN: rich woman; housewife; wife; elegant woman; businesswoman.
KING: rich man; happy husband; person of independent means.
Upside-down Diamond-card suit means:
ACE: financial control. Spiritually, inner richness.
TWO: letter, document, writing, good reading or study book.
THREE: discontinued deal; impeded work; bad faith in business; lack of credit; bad reports.
FOUR: gifts, jewels, objects. Gifts of Nature: beauty, health.
FIVE: disorder, wastefulness, bad management. Bankruptcy.
SIX: stranded deal, bad luck in gambling.
SEVEN: general lucky strike; ability in office or profession. Good taste.
EIGHT: prayer. Serenity. Inner control; soul richness.
NINE: long business journey. Formation of an important world society. Usury.
TEN: nobility; famous lineage; human touch; brilliance; sociability, conviviality.
JACK: buyer; good assistant; good employee; steward; efficient subordinate person.
KNIGHT: a relative coming from far way; stranger; men with other habits, another race, another lineage. QUEEN: matron, mother-in-law, old mother; philanthropic lady; dear grandmother.
KING: Patriarch, father-in-law, grandfather, old father; philanthropist.

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