Course XLIII - Teaching 1: The Tarot Source

The twenty-two Tarot figures and their cosmogonic, anthropogenetic and theologic symbols are originally Atlantean.
All Aryan peoples have reproduced these 22 figures on their diverse temples, and gradually modified them.
The Egyptians recovered them from the dark, by giving them back their pristine artistic and significant beauty, and even confounding these images with their own gods. And all religions have taken figures and symbols from the Tarot.
The Tarots describe: formation of the Universe and World, creation of man, his steps toward evolution and Initiation, and powers related to life and development of being.
Every one of these figures has certain characteristic magnetic current, which has taken form through thoughts of sages who have venerated and studied them for millennia.
During the reign of the Ptolomies, the Tarot figures were reformed. Ptolomy II, founder of the Library of Alexandria, ordered to compile and interpret esoterically these images to certain Jewish sages, who mixed Biblical symbols with figures, and numbered them according to their alphabet.
Figures of the reformed Egyptian Tarot are lost in the Middle Ages, and entirely replaced by Christian symbols; but they came again to life thanks to: Tomaso Campanella (1568-1639), in Italy; Guillaume Postel (1510-1581), in France; Michael Mayer (died in 1622), in Germany; and Francis Bacon (1561-1626), in England.
In fact, the Italian Tarot is non-existent; its reconstruction responds to assumptions and statements taken from well-known writers.
Those figures known in our days belong to the Italian Tarot and Postel’s Tarot; the latter were created by Postel according to his own visions and dreams.
Several Tarot figures combined and based upon different geometric figures beforehand traced produce magnetic shocks favorable to magical operations. Generally these figures are used by left-hand magicians, or magicians of evil.
Therefore, one has to be quite careful not to produce again the same current of black magicians.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
