Course XLII - Teaching 8: Exercises for Monitoring the Control Wheel

A disciple restraints his fear by monitoring the Control Wheel and one of those influences that constantly block his spiritual development.
Proper exercises for overcoming fear and rightly developing the Control Wheel are extremely difficult because are related to the wellbeing and discomfort of the body.
This exercise demands from the disciple to learn how to clean his belly at will, and to activate and calm down the blood circulation.
The disciple must stand up, his hands on the back of the neck, and his left foot on the right knee level; he shall concentrate his mind on the spleen and then he will feel a cold current flowing from the left side toward the navel.
After this, he shall lower the left hand and put it on the left knee, trying to produce salivation rapidly and continuously, because one should not forget that this center of force is related to the taste, mouth and knees.
The disciple begins to shake violently, and later a cold sweating permeates his body. Sometimes he is so frightened that feels his body on the brink of bursting.
A negative wave of fear has permeated the human body, he does not stop producing salivation –so as to avoid stomach contraction– and launches this negative force through the navel.
Later, he sits down, rests and removes the rest of negative parts through the anus.
Another very useful and harmless exercise for monitoring the Control Wheel: imagine the violet-white Wheel in motion in front of your eyes, while you breathe in deeply through the nose and breathe out through the nose, and vocalize these holy syllables: Ba and Bha, Ma and Ya, Ra and La. Later, recite these words: Svâdhishthâna, Bijâ, Bija-Vam, Rakini, May Hari, May Hari.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
