Course XLII - Teaching 12: Exercises for Monitoring the Sight Wheel

The Sight Wheel is the center of the mental power. Just as a positive development of this center illuminates the individual being, so its negative action becomes a true calamity and torture.
Here are those exercises leading to control one’s mind, although not to its liberation:
1st: Laying on the ground, his head lightly upward, hands beneath the testicles or upon the pubis, and breathing rhytmically, the student will stare at the navel, and will not blink.
2nd: Comfortably seated, his hands on the knees, thumbs and forefingers together, the disciple will stare at a black board, with a circle of diverse colors forming spires.
3rd: In the same position of the 2nd exercise, his eyes shut, the student will think up images of different Ethereal Wheels: his mind will remain fixed for one hour time on the image formed, on the flower chosen. Later, he will pass to another image.
4th: It is exactly like 3rd exercise, but his eyes will be open, observing the image of one of the ethereal flowers drafted on a white cardboard.
5th: In a comfortable position chosen by the student, his eyes totally shut, he will try to see certain luminosity with his mind to such an extent suggested that he will feel absorbed and immersed in this luminosity.
6th: The same as 5th exercise, but instead of luminosity, you should imagine the deepest and complete darkness, reciting syllables Ha and Sha over and over again.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
