Course XLI - Teaching 8: Crown Wheel

This center of forces is called Crown Wheel because comes up as an aura over the head, and its form is that of a skullcap.
Its color is very white, but its center, golden, with twelve petals around and later, exactly like petals of a flower, they are more and more numerous, and eventually come to thousand radiations approximately.
Scales in Gautama Buddha’s hairdo mean this Crown Wheel; the same symbol can be found in Pharaoh’s hairdos, Christian women usually covering their heads in the temple, and the Hebrew prohibition of officiating bareheaded.
Petals are downward in this wheel, specially when the individual being sits in meditation or in state of passive mystique, as in Gautama Buddha’s meditations, but when he works and pours spiritual forces, these petals rise and form a wonderful hallo, which looks like that of Byzantine Christs’ heads.
In this case the white color changes and shines like the Sun, and in accordance with the spiritual work in action, it becomes multicolor and forms one synthetic hue that we may call violet.
Characteristic planet of this wheel is the sun, and its essential quality is matter itself, as according to Hindus, Purusha and Prakriti together.
In the physical body, this substance, settled at the pineal gland, influences the crown plexus and vibrates along the spine, using the medulla itself.
The spiritual world communicates with the three worlds –mental, energetic and material– through this power. This is why its development implies high spiritual evolution, and bestows his possessors the gift of spontaneous wisdom or infuse science.
All other centers, described in precedent teachings, are summarized and synthesized in this center of forces.
The Vedic Books explain the union of seven centers in one, and describe them as very subtle fibers superposed.
According to these Books, the ether there located is thin like the hundredth part of fiber found in a lotus stem; the ether there placed is as subtle as the thousandth part of the tip of one hair, and shines like the light of all suns together; and that another ether, placed in the latter, is as subtle as the ten-millionth part of the tip of one hair.
According to Vedic texts, these three centers of force have women’s aspect, and the three others, locked in them, men’s aspect, since they say these very subtle ethers enter the place of liberation through the three lingams.
When the individual ether entered and united there with the cosmic ether, this charming substance, the luminous Kundalini, slowly starts her return to the early abode of the Sacrum Wheel.