Course XLI - Teaching 7: Sight Wheel

The mental substance has its astral seat at the sight wheel that, out of its significance, sums up the above-described wheels. One can achieve, through it, the Supreme Vision of spiritual Knowledge.
The physical seat of this ether, which can be called “dimensional” because is beyond physical and energetic laws, and ruled by merely mental laws, is in the hypophysis, has repercussion in the brain, is reflected on the brow, and influences shoulders, that is, wings of the future man.
The astral size of this wheel is, even ordinarily, much bigger than that of other wheels.
In rest, it looks like two big open wings; thence the emblem of Mercury’s winged helmet, and Walkyries’.
In motion, it looks like a wheel sunk in the middle. Its color is partially pink blue and partially pink yellow. But under high vibration, its color is indescribably white.
In motion, this wheel emits radiation increased or reduced in terms of its rapid movement. According to Leadbeater, there are seventy six vibrations, which however depend, as we said, on the potential movement.
This wheel is in direct touch with the intuitive state of the Universe, and one’s will has its seat on this wheel.
All things seen in the physical, astral or mental world are subject to its control; This is why astral or mental clairvoyance responds to the development of this center of force.
Its corresponding planet is the Moon.
Its animal emblem is the butterfly, out of its similarity with the hypophysis gland. According to some writings, its emblem is a beetle, swan or bird. This is why inhabitants of Easter Island, descendants of Lemurians and Atlanteans, and spontaneous clairvoyants, would revere, as Supreme Divinity, the image of a bird that, with its open wings, symbolizes and looks like this wheel.