Course XLI - Teaching 6: Sonoriferous Wheel

The root of the extremely powerful wheel presiding at the earthly atmospheric ether is at the basis of the throat, goes across the thyroid cartilage, coils around thyroid glands, goes out through the chin area, and is reflected on the astral plane, on a level with the throat.
This wheel is with all sound, from the most tenuous to the most intense.
This wheel has created one’s ears and influences them, and copied the spiral shape of one’s ears and inner ears from its own undulating form. This wheel brings about from the littlest spires that produce weak sounds to the biggest spires that produce the strongest sounds; in the physical body, it is represented by the form of one’s hips and by its influence on them.
Its ethereal color, in rest, is greenish blue with little pink or black striations; when it starts moving, its blue is gradually deeper, and in the state of perfect vibrational harmony, is silvery, exactly like sea waves when the full moon light falls on them at a cloudless night.
At its extremely high and negative vibrational state, the blue color becomes indigo and black, but a shining black. This is a little rehearsal of the future wonderful universal vibration at the time of the Great Rest, that is, the Mahâpralaya.
This wheel is directly related to mental senses, and not to astral or physical senses, and the intellectual and rational state of Humanity develops under its control.
This wheel influences thyroid and parathyroid glands that regulate the energy of the individual being. Thyroxin influences and accelerates one’s general metabolism, and improves intellectual development and its rapid activities; like the parathyroid gland that fixes and regulates blood calcium along with vitamin D, thyroxin keeps the energy in blood circulation.
Many cell unbalance diseases are exclusive products of lack or excess of hormones in one’s system.
This is why, the supreme power of this wheel does not consist in reaching a high vibrational state that would simply mean destruction; it consists in keeping a harmonious and undulated vibrational state.