Course XLI - Teaching 5: Heart Wheel

The human heart contains the secret of the Universe according to our teachings, and the power emanated from it and reflected on the astral plane, with the most beautiful of wheels, is primordial indeed.
We are properly told that the goddess ruling over this center of forces is yellow and has three eyes because the power of the heart creates, preserves and destroys, even when, according to Hindus, it is mental, astral and physical.
When this power creates, then it joins with the object created by assimilating and becoming this object, and rules over the world with a well-known force called love.
When this power preserves, then it embellishes everything and grants an attractive hue that converts familiar things into seemingly different things with something ever new so far unnoticed; it is source of art, aesthetics, rhythm, in short, of all beautiful things.
When this power destroys, then it hates, cuts up links, breaks barriers, moves away, gets weary, kills, inflicts suffering, and runs away; out of this power, a person is jealous, breaks oaths and promises, envies, betrays and finally dies.
The element air rules over this wheel, and influences the physical body, skin and hands, and stimulates the sense of touch.
The source of this center is the xiphoid appendix, goes across the heart and goes out through the spinal center in the heart area, and shines on the astral world as a glowing twelve-petal vortex.
When this power destroys, is smoky, and when preserves, bluish green; when it creates, shines like the sun. When it stays immobile, is hexagonal; the hexagon is smoky, the wheel on which this hexagon is reflected, bluish green, and petals, red.
Eastern texts include a black antelope in this center.
Jupiter is the planet companion in this center of air, with strong puffs moving away and bringing near; its gland is the thymus in the human body; its plexus, the heart plexus; and its organs, lungs and heart.
You may see a little wheel in motion, on the astral ether, beneath the big wheel of the heart; in the majority of men, this little wheel can be detected as a little petal of rose, but it takes the form of a rose in full bloom, with eight petals, in those beings who meditate habitually. In the event of not being fully developed, four petals of this rose are pink, and other four, dark. The wonderful emblem of the Rosicrucian is based on this image.
Here is the Divine Mother’s tomb and the seat of the ethereal force in evolved beings, –those who do not need to found it on the sacrum plexus.
This power rules over blood circulation and divides blood vessels into forty nine groups; a characteristic power presides at each blood vessel.