Course XLI - Teaching 4: Sun Wheel

This center of force contains the whole power of the energetic plane. As a true sun of the human and personal system of every living being, it attracts and repels continuously and irresistibly.
Man grows and becomes strong, longs for, fights and conquers through this center; and the will and strength decrease through it; it implies power and destruction. This power shines and emanates from one’s eyes when it creates and builds; and is expelled by the anus when it decreases and destroys. It settles and gets new strength through the elbows.
Its characteristic form is triangular. The triangle oscillates according to the power expressed.
Light and heat, varying forms, multiple expressions of created things and fire, and the divine Agni that destroys everything, go along with this luminiferous wheel, so that nature and force recover their strength.
Mars is an influencing planet, and the animal emblem of this sign is a dark ram, or a strong lion.
But the most wonderful thing in this wheel is its varying colors; in rest, it is red, terribly red; it is entirely green in a person that removed every passion; when it is in motion, its ten petals fuse each other and alternately become red and green, illusively. But when it creates or builds, its red color acquires more intensity, as if it were living blood, and its green color becomes more shining, like a field flooded by sunrays.
Its wheel is terrible when destroys; its color becomes ashy, as when thick clouds cover the sky; and the more it revolves, the darker it becomes crossed by flashes of lightning.
This wheel acquires this color a little before death of a man.
The above-described wheels correspond relatively to thick parts of beings and cosmic planes, that is, Physical, Astral and Energetic.