Course XLI - Teaching 3: Control Wheel

The Wheel that we will describe contains the power of absorption and repulsion of cosmic forces. This is why nobody dares exactly to speak publicly about it, because this power would be very dangerous in the event of being used by inexperienced hands; also, not all students of esoteric philosophy agree to define its effects or place where it is.
Hindus place it between anus and genital organs, and consider it as supplementing the Sacrum Wheel; on the other hand, Westerners place it in the spleen, and attribute it assimilation-distribution power of the sunrays in the human system.
Above genital organs, more exactly on the pubic area, it is the source of this filament, which ascends as a bifurcated branch to spleen and liver, and later unites with the splenic plexus and comes up as a wonderful wheel with changing colors on the astral plane. The faster is its progress, the more combined are its colors, and form a rainbow apparently veiled by a white gauze.
When this wheel is still, its color is whitish, but this white hast violet hues, and three bright red beautiful petals to right, and three to left.
Its white color with violet hues prevails when it revolves rapidly, because the violet color corresponds to higher vibration; the bright red color becomes more intense when the speed slows down, since red color denotes slowness.
The planet Venus influences intensely this center; this is why it rules over the knees that are a water tank in the human being; it is the center of taste and savor, settled supreme in one’s mouth. Its organ is the liver; its plexus, the splenic one; and its glands, the suprarenal ones.
Its power is double, represented as two quarters of the Moon; the Dragon, emblem of superior power, guards the lower quarter of the Moon, and does not permit man to suffer of any higher unbearable power.
The astral body goes out through this wheel while we sleep and remain detached. This is why it corresponds to the astral plane.
Its power is that of contraction; all cosmic forces, all constructive and destructive powers enter one’s being through it; it is the control of the whole system of man. It keeps harmony between physical and astral plane, and overabundant or negative elements are removed through it while we sleep.
One must check this center; otherwise we are unable to become detached from our physical body or to move to the astral plane.
This center is that of personal control; our being remains secluded or open in regard to life through it.
The Specter at the Threshold is ever there, sitting at the threshold, as an implacable enemy to those who want to go beyond human limits. He blocks the way to higher worlds.