Course XLI - Teaching 2: Sacrum Wheel

Many texts deal with the cosmic power contained in the human body, and never agree to determine where these forces actually are. So, one has to be as clear as possible.
The triangle where the great power of the cosmic ether rests is at the coccygeal area. This point is reflected on the astral body with the form of a shining triangle. An ancient philosopher says, “The shine of one hundred suns together exceeds Kundalini’s light”.
Hindus usually call this secret power Kundalini.
When the cosmic ether acquires strength, or rather, when it finds free way to go up through the spine, ascends to right, coiling in the sympathetic nerve, settles first on the navel, later on the heart, and finally on the brain; and always coiling, descends by left.
Upward movement is positive, or solar; stabilization movement is neuter, or of fire, and downward movement is negative, or lunar.
Divine Beings have their seat of cosmic ether constantly in the brain. Beings quite spiritual and evolved have their seat of cosmic ether in the heart, and never below.
In ordinary beings, although the power goes up to the brain, goes back after it descends slowly to the sacrum chamber or coccygeal area.
When the ether ascends, one breathes by the right nasal cavity, and when it descends, one does by the left nasal cavity. This is why, all actions need push and force, for instance, eating, walking and working, and have to be with breath by the right nasal cavity, while actions requiring calm, for instance, digesting, sleeping and recovering from nervous diseases, must be with breathe by the left nasal cavity.
Above the coccygeal area, in the sacrum plexus, is the root of the first ethereal wheel, or sacrum wheel. This wheel is the only one reflected on the astral body like a flower with languid petals. When it is inactive, its color is yellow with reddish ramifications, but if it is active, its color is orange red.
If the force moving the wheels is positive, they revolve like vortex, from left to right, and while the pushing force is negative, they revolve from right to left.
Its tonalities are ever changing, between orange yellow and red, and when it is fully active, you see it as an orange and red Maltese cross.
When the wheel is still, its color is pretty yellow, and its form, square; every manifestation of the odoriferous ether takes this form.
Every person takes his characteristic smell from this center of forces. Particularly it brings into action genital organs and locomotion. It is reflected on the feet and tip of one’s nose, and communicates with the center of Earth. Mercury has a prevailing emanation power on this center. Hindus call it generation-regeneration power center; This is why they paint on it a white elephant carrying on its back the Boy Creator, or vital principle of Earth.