Course XLI - Teaching 13: The Voice of the Silence

Vishudda, center of the throat, just has influence on mental bodies.
Vibration is its only derivation. This is why it contains the softest, subtlest and most terrible power. This center is called “God’s Voice”, “the Word”, “and the Ineffable Name”.
All those –quite few indeed– who can acquire it, become the owners of the atmospheric forces and their derivations, but certain merciful law has provided that very few can control it, because just one word of these beings can kill many persons.
It is an energetic bond that, after it goes out of Kundalini, coils in one’s hips, and rises and launches, before it, a current that is like a deadly sting.
It is this power –truly, a death beam– that has been in possession of certain Lunar Initiates.
The negative energy of the Cosmos –laya centers in the sidereal emptiness, and energy that astronomers watch as an immense dark stain– comes into direct contact with the Larynx Center through experienced voice modulation.
The terrible power launched from the Larynx Center to the Sacrum Center, and there vivified in the above-mentioned way, is like a god calling and awakening a sleeping goddess.
By means of a device like a slipknot with a sting on its tip, a man discovered how to attract, activate and launch certain potential force, but the deadly Karma’s beam destroyed him before he could divulge the deadly ray among men.
The Master says, after one develops this center, we control the three worlds, knowing the secret of vibration and handling the deadly ray.
Researchers and practitioners not always are able to get the complete power of this Center, and even those who possess it, always avoid higher exercises and resign to the lower and beneficial ones.
Bear in mind that the whole vibration tends to come back to its starting point –to its potential state– while a limited vibration constitutes just a similar vibration.
By means of this exercise, a person in possession of clairaudience can hear distant voices and the speech of beings that inhabit other planets and states. By means of this exercise, some of them have even understood voices of animals and unanimated beings.
Sigfrid, after he bathed in dragon blood (symbol of wisdom and limit between a living mind and mind itself), has this privilege: he can understand the language of birds.
Holy monks in the wild chant day after day liturgical songs, and charge them with such a magnetic and vocal power, emanated from the Larynx Wheel, that they can make birds to keep silent, control roars of wild beasts, calm down the fiercest animals, bewitch snakes and, like Saint Francis of Assisi, gather innumerable birds around, which hear them silently.
When this Center is more developed by exercise a mystic remains immersed in –so to speak, swallowed by– the unfathomable eternal silence.
Saint John of the Cross was aware of it to certain extent when he called this ecstasy “silent music”, “sonorous loneliness”.
According to historic and religious reports, when certain beings –for instance, Apostles and others– come back from this extraordinary state, they are in possession of this power and can speak and understand all languages.
Hindus were the most fervent lovers of Prayer; they have preached how valuable is to repeat the word, to utter names, and to be near to the Eternal One by knowing and reciting the Ineffable Name.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
