Course XLI - Teaching 1: Cosmic Ether
It is the energetic power of the Universe that brings into being seven cosmic ethers, so as God, being originally One, is divided into seven rays.
Here is the explanation of the energy of these seven rays and their power.
These seven ethers reach our planetary system, permeate stars and planets, and the latter at a time pour their influence on Earth.
The seven ethers are as follows:
Number 7: Odoriferous Ether
Number 6: Gustiferous Ether
Number 5: Luminiferous Ether
Number 4: Tactiferous Ether
Number 3: Sonoriferous Ether
Number 2: Dimensional Ether
Number 1: Synthetic Ether
Number 1: it is called synthesis ether because reunites all others in itself.
Every one of these ethers, or vibrations that, as you have seen, are basically one, breaks down as forms and colors through vibration.
Number 7: it is yellow physically, and orange, astrally.
Number 6: it is white physically, and violet, astrally.
Number 5: it is red physically, and red astrally.
Number 4: it is blue physically, and green, astrally.
Number 3: it is black physically, and deep blue, astrally.
Number 2: it is colorless physically, and yellow, astrally.
Number 1: it is colorless physically, and sums up astrally in itself the multicolor spectrum.
Number 7: of square form, earth is its respective element.
Number 6: of crescent Moon form, water is its respective element.
Number 5: of triangular form, fire is its respective element.
Number 4: of spiral form, air is its respective element.
Number 3: of circular form, ether is its respective element.
The form of numbers 2 and 1 will be given in due time.
This does not mean that every one of these ethers are completely detached from others; for example, one molecule of ether, composed by eight atoms, has four atoms of prevailing ether and one of every one of the rest.
It is he who knows how to handle rightly these forces that controls the power of the Universe.
Their seat is in Centers of astral forces or ethereal wheels; ganglia, plexuses and glands contain them in the physical body, and influence from there the Being beneficially or harmfully.
Those seven ethers have the same number of related centers in the astral body.
In the physical body, these seven centers of force are synthetically, as a whole, in the brain, and widely, in the spine.
The power of these centers is neuter.
These centers combined among them give life to forty nine other centers of force; their center is in the heart, and they act on the Being with negative force; this center has other hundred-one centers of force, which direct and assemble blood vessels among them.
The rest of centers of force are seventy two, and come from combined neuter and negative ethers, and are positive. Their center is in the navel, a little above genital organs, and rules the nervous system of the Being.
These seventy two centers have seventy two thousand secondary centers in the human body.
Those ethereal wheels are reflected on the astral body, instead of belonging to the energetic body, and are not divided but superposed: the prevailing wheel stands out.
In the physical body, the cosmic ether is in the coccygeal area. When these ethereal wheels acquire force and come into action, this sleeping princess wakes up and stands up, climbing through the spine, or rather, coiling; eventually, she reaches the brain and awakens her true and real nature in the Being.
She ascends by the right and descends by the left; right is positive, and left, negative. This cosmic ether upward and downward is called ascent of “IHS to the Mount”, and its descent, “Mother’s Tomb”.
The Sacrum plexus is the first physical center to wake up.
The splenic center is the second physical center to wake up.
The solar plexus is the third physical center to wake up.
The Heart plexus is the fourth physical center to wake up.
The Larynx plexus is the fifth physical center to wake up.
The carotid plexus is the sixth physical center to wake up.
The crown plexus is the seventh physical center to wake up.
They are like root in a plant; the flower sprouts in the astral plane.
The Sacrum plexus reflects its astral spectrum at genital organ level, and is in tune with nose, feet and smell of the individual.
The splenic plexus source is over genital organs, goes across liver and spleen, and reflects its astral spectrum on left side; it influences tongue, taste and knees.
The solar plexus source is in navel, goes across the physical solar plexus and reflects its astral spectrum on the same center; it influences eyes, colors and elbows.
The heart plexus source is on the xiphoid appendix area, goes across the heart, is reflected on the center of the chest, and influences skin, touch and hands.
The larynx plexus source is at the basis of the throat with bifurcated form, goes across the thyroid cartilage, is reflected on the astral spectrum at the whole area of the throat, till the mouth level, and influences ears, sound and hips.
The carotid plexus source is at the area of the frontal bone, goes across the hypophysis, and reflects its astral spectrum on the forehead; it will influence future winds, the a-dimensional sense, and shoulders.
The crown plexus is in the pineal gland or epiphysis, and in due time will influence certain organs and senses of the Being.