Course XL - Teaching 6: “MANIPURA”

Verse 19
“The shining Wheel of Ten Petals, with the color of storm clouds, is over the Control Wheel. In it, the Solar Wheel, there are letters from Da to Pha, their color is of a blue lotus, and with the point and sound sign over them. Meditate there about the region of Fire, of triangular form and shining like sun at dawn. Out of the region of Fire there are three marks of the cross in motion, of expansion, fire and good heath, and in the region of Fire there is the same seed of heat.”
This wheel that starts in the root of one’s navel belongs to the solar plexus.
This lotus has ten petals, a perfect number, because it is an image of the Coronary Wheel of one thousand petals; a miniature brain.
Its color is that of a storm cloud, because power causes a man to be daring, wrathful and domineering.
The color of letters engraved on the said petals of lotus is like that of a blue lotus, sky blue, because the one who knows how to use the power with voluntary control and efforts transforms temerity into prudence, wrath into strength, and despotic domination into peaceful reign. The point and sound sign, Nada and Bindu, affirm the consecrated power of each letter.
Here are vocalization syllables adorning petals of Manipura, which is the name of this lotus: Da and Dha, Na and Ta, Tha and Da, Dha and Na, Pa and Pha.
The area of Fire is triangular, of shining red color and, over each vertex, there is a mace forming, as a whole, the swastika sign, image of power in motion. This triangle oscillates according to movement of the expressed power. This luminiferous wheel implies light and heat, varying forms, the multiple expression of created things and the image of Fire, the divine Agni, holding the his son, Rudra. It is Rudra the one who destroys everything so that nature and forms can be continuously renovated.
Verse 20
“Meditate on Him, the God of Fire, seated on a ram, with four arms and radiant as the rising sun. On his lap, color pure vermilion, the God of destruction always abides. The God of destruction is white in the wake of ashes covering Him, his aspect is ancient, and has three eyes. His hands assume the attitude of the one who grants favors and dissipates fear. He is the destroyer of the creation.”
Here the text transforms the center of Fire into a God color vermilion, who is seated on a ram. Rudra is seated on his lap; Rudra is the God Siva behind his destructive aspect. Rudra is white, ash color, because this God, when has nothing to destroy, destroys himself. Any power emerges from fire, from power, and from his lap; but if you do not transmute power, then it becomes destructive.
The words “his ancient aspect” have a profound meaning, since they denote that destruction is as eternal and ancient as creation itself.
The three eyes are the power of hierarchy, concentration and clairvoyance, not only of a good and holy mystic, but also of an evil or destructive being, or of a black magician.
Verse 21
“Here the goddess Lâkîni abides and benefits all. She has four arms and radiating body, brown skin, wearing yellow attires, adorned with diverse ornaments, and exalted by drinking ambrosia. One acquires the power to create and destroy by meditating on this Wheel of navel. The Element of Fire, with overabundant knowledge, always abides in the wheel of her face.”
Lâkîni, female aspect of this center, the Goddess of black skin and yellow garments is, however, of radiating body because the variable human power also has the beauty of the divine, even behind her destructive aspect.
The “Solomon’s Song” says, “Nigra sum, sed formosa, filiae Jerusalem, ideo dilexit me rex”. “I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem… because the Sun looked upon me”.
Lâkîni benefits all men, since man grows and grows stronger through this center, hankers for fight and conquest, and his will and strength decreases through this center.
When this center is properly developed, the prophets bring disciples behind them, and leaders attract multitudes. It is like a blaze that emanates from only one man and burns everything around.
This power creates or destroys.
The three above-described wheels –Muladharâ, Svâdhishthâna and Manipura– belong to the grossest bodies in man, and to physical, astral and energetic worlds in the cosmic plane.
The cosmic physical plane comprises a little beyond the astral spectrum of Earth and extends to 80 kilometers approximately, on the terrestrial surface.
The cosmic astral place extends to the photosphere of the sun.
The cosmic energetic plane comprises the whole magnitude of the visible solar system.