Course XL - Teaching 14: “THE RETURN OF KUNDALINI”

Verse 53

“The beautiful Kundalini drinks the excellent red nectar emanated from the Great God and returns where the eternal and transcendental bliss shines with full glory along the spine and enters again the sacred plexus. An ascetic of steady mind makes offerings to Gods of the six centers, and others, with that current of heavenly nectar contained in the vessel of God’ channel, the one whose knowledge he has obtained through tradition of the Masters.”


The highest ecstasy or Great Ecstasy lasts as long as energy strenuously produced through violent Kundalini’s ascent persists. But as the energy momentum disappears and the Cosmic Ether has drunk the red nectar emanated from Para-Shiva, Kundalini return by Kula’s path and enters again Mulâdhârâ. Kula is a channel through which Kundalini goes upward and downward.
A Yogi of steady mind makes offerings to Tarpana, Ishta-Devatâ, the Divinity of his wishes. He tries to keep as much as possible the memory and fervor of his ecstasy and makes offerings to Devatâs and Dâkinîs at the six chakras.
As he is unable to keep the same ecstatic fervor, he goes reducing his vibrational tonality; the important thing is to impede a violent descent of the current that is on the top and to cause this nectar to go down slowly through Brahmananda.
This is the way of preserving the ecstasy as much as possible: to keep the posture, a mental, physical, moral and emotional attitude connected with memory of the ecstasy.

Verse 54

“An ascetic that, after diverse or similar practices, has learnt this excellent method about the two lotus feet of the auspicious Initiation Master, which are sources of uninterrupted bliss, is not born again in this world. To him there is no dissolution even at the tome of Final Dissolution. He is filled with peace and the principal among all ascetics, enjoying the constant realization that is the Source of Eternal Bliss.”


A yogi that realized entirely the mystic way and that knows the evolution law, does not incarnate again on Earth; he is free of Samsârâ.
This realization is always subject to a chain of higher beings than Him, and the text call this the two lotus feet of Dikshâguru, or Master of Initiation. If He obeys the cosmic evolution law, keeps his individual consciousness alive even at the time of Samkshaya-Pralaya.
He is filled with peace because the highest bliss caused him to taste God, although it did not make like Him; then, he enjoys God at his own place in cosmic evolution.
According to this Verse, a perfect being does not lose his individuality even at the time of the Great Dissolution, because some Masters in Theology are of the opinion that those beings that have reached a high state of evolution dissolve their individual seed, or monad, in the Great Pralaya. Other Masters disagree with this concept and hold that a being never loses his spiritual individuality once he has acquired it, whatever may be his grade of evolution.

Verse 55

“If an ascetic of still heart and concentrated mind, devoted at the lotus feet of his Master, reads this work, which is the Highest Source of Liberation Knowledge, and if the disciple has no faults and is pure and quite reserved, then surely his mind dances at the Feet of his yearned Divinity.”


Here the text warns the disciple of asceticism that, even just by reading this work slowly and taking it as a holy book, it can be advantageous. But he must have always a pure and quite reserved heart because one never has to make publicly known those works made by God in the innermost being. Then he will be able to glimpse the way, and his mind can receive those divine graces pre-announced that the Verse calls “dance of Ishta-Devatâ Feet”.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
