Course XL - Teaching 11: “NIRVANA-SHAKTI”

Verse 46

”Here is the excellent sixteenth part of the Moon. She is pure, and similar to the young Sun. She is thin like one hundredth of fiber in lotus stem. She shines and is soft like ten million lightenings, and inverted. A continuous current of nectar flows from Her whose source is the Eternal, or She is the receptacle of a current containing excellent nectar coming from his blissful union: She and the Eternal.”


A soul that has achieved the ecstasy –which is root of liberation– described on precedent verses, lives in the world without any ties; it is as if only a subtle veil was separating this soul from God.
This ecstasy, root of liberation, can recur infinite times throughout life without a great liberating ecstasy in the subject; sometimes he achieves it at death, and other times, only on other lives. This Samadhi has infinite ecstatic hues.
According the Verse 46, ecstasy of liberation is described as a seed. It calls it place where is the sixteenth Kalâ of the Moon, which belongs to a period of four hours.
This so high ecstasy, which is out of human reach, can be achieved by deserting completely the body, and through ethereal connection and astral body; that is why here it is called abode of the Moon. But, even thus, it cannot take more than four hours; in certain cases, when ecstasy was longer, the individual being would stop enjoying it after four hours and, in the quake of it, he was unable to return to his normal state.
This Verse describes the beauty of this place and represents Her, Ama-Kalâ, as the receptacle of the Eternal. Divine nectar –Parâ-Bindu or Rûpa-Shiva– flows toward Her, from the eternal source of Brahma. This passage from the divine power is called Parâ-Prakriti-Sakti, and Para-Parâ is a close union of the Eternal and the divine female power.
Amâ-Kalâ means the sixteenth part of the Moon, which is a period of four hours. The lunar cosmic vibration, contacting continuously the Earth, changes its rhythm every four hours; the Moon projects onto the Earth its grossest vibration during its sixteenth part.
This has nothing to do with that vibration of the Moon that one sees as a satellite, since it refers to a vibration in the lunar planetary chain, which has given life to the earthly planetary chain.

Verse 47

“The Lunar Paradise, which is more excellent than excellence, is in Her. She is as subtle as a thousandth part of the tip of a hair, and Her form is of Crescent Moon. She is the everlasting Lady, Who is the Goddess permeating all beings. She grants divine knowledge and shines like light of all suns shining at the same time.”


In Her, Amâ-Kalâ, there is a period of the highest bliss, Nirvana-Kalâ. Ecstasy with seed, even though one achieves it after death, gives only a lunar paradise, that is to say, a period of the highest bliss alone.
Bhavagatî, the Lady, that is the divinity called De-vatâ, is the divine manifestation permeating all beings.
The ecstasy with seed belongs to sacred syllable A.

Verse 48

“The Highest and Primordial Heavenly Goddess shines in the middle space of the Lunar Paradise; She shines like ten million suns and is the Mother of the three words. She is extremely subtle, as the ten-millionth part of the tip of a hair. She keeps in Herself a current of joy flowing constantly, and is life of all beings. She brings graciously knowledge of the Truth to minds of wise men.”


  1. The Divine Mother, behind Her aspect of potential power of the universe, abides in the middle of Nirvânâ-Kalâ; it is the One who brings knowledge of the Truth, Tattva, to minds of the wise men. Tattva is cosmic ether, and Hindu sages divide in to seven modes, but only assign to these five: Prithivî, Apas, Tejas, Vayû and Akasha.
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