Course XXXVIII - Teaching 9: Auric Kaleidoscope
A mental vibration becomes aura in continuous motion, the vital energy is condensed colors and the ethereal matter takes diverse and changing forms; these forms, acquiring sometimes certain similar hues to living pictures, are named Auric Kaleidoscope.
Prevailing forms in an aura are those produced by sensorial effects subconsciously and consciously registered. They are:
Those of smell; square.
Those of taste; inverted semi-lunar.
Those of sight; triangular.
Those of tact; spiral.
Those of ear; circular.
These auric drawings are continuously intermingled, forming beautiful images with a perfect geometric figure. As every one has an especial hue, they reflect true phantasmagoric images, which seer can perceive. These thought forms, produced by sensorial organs, sometimes take possession of the aura of a being, and control it completely; they are continuously obsessing and tyrannizing, and are demons of Humanity. But reason and knowledge gradually bans them, and these images are replaced for those of wishes, illusions and aims. According to their characteristic power, mental forces endure more or less time in the auric circle and sometimes take elemental forms.
Ancient legends describe them as beautiful statues, which attract so much their artist that acquire real life in his mind; not in vain we are told men are thoughts of gods and, by co-relative law, elemental worlds are sons of thoughts of men.
When a being is afraid, infinite images of this kind groove his aura and look like a grille or iron cover.
If you want to set up feelings of fear against feelings of courage, as these feelings are related to the Heart Wheel and therefore have spiral form, corresponding to tact, they look like little luminous explosions trying to break the iron barrier; it is a true auric battle. A being can perish during this battle, because they are two equal forces, pairs of opposites, fighting for the auric field. To get rid from these dangers, mental serenity is the best because it removes forms of one kind and another.
In short, an aura is formed by mental vibration, thence its continuous movement; is colored by vital energy, thence its changing colors; and is adorned by thought forms, which use ethereal matter to leave printed his image in it.