Course XXXVIII - Teaching 8: Group Aura

If inanimate things, animals and human beings have an aura and these auras can understand, associate and communicate each other, the group aura emerges from them as a whole.
This is not the union of diverse auras, but the auric astral result of this union.
Different groups of animals are ruled by an elemental entity, subject to another entity endowed with mind; the magnetic net, by which the elemental entity unites the bodies of its group, forms the group aura. The following telepathic experience, already made by several American sages, confirms our sayings. For instance, a horse is mentally instructed to rise a leg; if thought is strong and properly emitted, you will observe how the animal obeys the order; but at the same time you will see how other horses around also obey the order given, while others remain impassive. This means: horses that fulfill the mental order belong to the group of the first entity to be influenced.
Any human collective forms its group aura, which is the aura of the city where it lives, that of the city where it acts or that of the nation to which it belongs. But it must be properly determined that the group aura of a city is formed not only by the present contribution of beings that give it its particular characteristic, but also by present and past emanations as a whole. For instance: certain devotees are praying before a pious image; gradually, entreaties form a group aura, and this aura becomes more and more powerful, to such extent that can beneficially comprise a very big number of pilgrims.
Also nations have their peculiar aura that is the soul of the type, orientation and civilization of all beings that inhabit its territory.
North America’s aura is shining green and means exuberance of forces, power and wellbeing.
Argentine Republic’s aura is deep blue and denotes spiritual trend, still undefined.
England’s aura is orange, which symbolizes culture and race pride. Germany’s aura is ochre, which means stubbornness and spirit of renunciation and sacrifice.
The aura of North Italy and France is blue and means faith on something; while southern Italy and Spain have red auras.
India has an ashy white aura, which denotes intellectual, passive values, and Tibet has a beautiful yellow aura.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
