Course XXXVIII - Teaching 7: Aura of Initiates
Not only the earth has its protective aura but also every being. A normal man has a protective aura formed by his good desires and by entities that protect him, while a superior man has his own defensive aura. In the aura o great beings, you notice a big circle all around its edge, which is like an impregnable fortress to the soul. Neither bad thought forms, nor shocks of wicked emotions, nor destructive vibration of lower worlds can enter there.
A normal man is subject to influences of any kind, good and bad; but a superior man defends himself in an admirable way, by the barrier he interposed between his inner world and his outer world.
High entities can help men by using the powerful current circulating through that auric cord, but only for spiritual aims. Neither a jot of materialism nor that of personal desire has to be united with this good influence.
The aura of an initiate opens like a wonderful screen, pervaded by blue, pink and yellow colors. Just to get an image of it, you may think of a sea at twilight, when the smooth blue color of waters reflects the pink sky, still flooded with golden rays of the setting sun.
Those who are near initiates feel the influence of their beneficial auras; then children smile, sick people get better, sorrowful are comforted and the dying enter with serenity the land of shadows.
The aura of the Initiate of Fire is not extremely wide, but certainly is resplendent with a diameter of ten meters.
The aura of the Lunar Initiates is almost always of deep and beautiful colors; format and color of them depend on their mission and category. The extension of their aura comprises all their work and may reach a whole nation, a whole country, and a whole group of beings.
The aura of a Lunar Initiate, or a religious or a priest, has a golden color that is not uniform, but in form of lines, more or less equal to those of the display case that contains the Most Holy Sacrament.
The aura of a conqueror is red and white, shining like steel. The aura of a sage is like an immense shining orange.
The aura of the Solar Initiates, as we said above, is of a very subtle uniform color; in short, it comprises all colors and is quite extended. Mostly it encompasses the whole earth and shelters all men. So Krishna says to Arjuna: “See reflected in me all men of the Universe”, and in reference to the Buddha, we are told that he is savior of all men.
Day in day out, already you feel the beneficial influence of the protective aura of the Solar Initiate who has to appear on the next sign.