Course XXXVIII - Teaching 6: Aura of Normal Man
Even in cases of orphan children you observe they maintain their mother magnetism after a mother passed away.
Just as a serpent leaves on spring its old skin to show the new skin it would keep hidden behind its old cover, so a child, more or less at the age of seven, when he recognizes consciously his individual entity, as if it were an old shell, he disposes of the protective dress of his mother, and according to laws of charge and discharge of the aura, we may say he has his own aura.
Almost always the awakening of sexual instincts follows this period of time. A this age, an aura is not very extended and the energetic aspect and that of health prevail, excepting certain wonderfully talented children who have aura of man; but this is neither normal nor advantageous to the spiritual progress, because a being is spending this way, before time, reserves that he will need for his full consciousness.
During the adolescence, the aura has almost always bad aspects. Just as a volcano, after it remained for many centuries still, suddenly launches flames, lava and deadened sounds, so an adolescent’s aura reflects powers buried in the subconscious, gathered at the door of the soul to get out all of them, suddenly, pushing their way violently as desires, passions, ignored instincts, morbid and unknown reserves, which make colors of the aura become bad and disordered.
So the whole past is reflected on the young soul, and the result and life of a being will deend of how these powers are arranged and canalized. Therefore, the aura is then disordered, variable and deeply colored.
When this state of transition is over and the young, now grown up, is settled, the aura affirms its colors and fundamental aspect, according to the state of every one.
On this circumstance the so-called understanding of souls occurs. The being who has certain reserves of energies to apply, does not know how to place them; so this soul looks for twin souls to achieve its own aim. How beautiful are: friendship in years of youth, the first love, and the understanding and veneration of a teacher or professor!
An aura heavily pervaded by energetic matter discharges itself on the soul of a loved or venerated person and a mutual understanding is established between them; this understanding makes them look for each other continuously and attract each other like magnet to steel. When there are three similar souls, a link of forces is established, which attracts other souls, chains them, and brings about social, ideological and cultural movements, et cetera.
Christ meant this when he said: “Because where two or three are assembled in my name, I am there amid them”.
Not only there are auras that understand each other, but also there are souls that look for each other by similarity. Almost always this occurs once they met, as the time passes by, when they understand the same things, have the same artistic and spiritual tastes and are more and more alike.
This transformation increases in cases of spiritual similarity; when a disciple learns his instructor’s lessons his aura experiences a transformation and even is noticeably like the soul of his instructor.
Francis of Sales and Joanne of Chantal had so equal souls that Vincent of Paul saw their auras as two circles of fire united in only one circle.
In certain cases, even the physical body reflects this likeness of auras, and we are told two spouses who love much each other, are alike.
The aura decreases noticeably in old age; just as night watches with its shadows over all things, so a mission fulfilled attenuates energies, kills desires, deletes memory, and the aura takes a uniform and meek blue color, as an omen of future rest.