Course XXXVIII - Teaching 4: Ethereal Wheels and Aura
It is inaccurate to say centers of power, which are innumerable, or the seven principal centers, which are the most visible, may be symmetrically placed in an aura as certain plates show it, but they are visible, with a higher or lower power, according to their vibrational potentiality. Here are the seven main centers:
- Crown Wheel: synthetic color.
- Visual Wheel: blue and whitish pink color.
- Larynx Wheel: light blue color.
- Heart Wheel: shining golden color.
- Solar Wheel: pink green color.
- Control Wheel: rainbow color.
- Sacrum Wheel: red-orange color.
Every one of these Wheels corresponds to one of the Seven Rays, or vibrational modulation of the Cosmic Ether.
The Cosmic Ether is one, but as it pervades the universe with its creative movement, is broken into seven different forms and every one of them corresponds to a determined power. This power is lead in the superior world by the seven Solar Initiates and manifests in the astral world through Ethereal Wheels, which constitute the state of that plane.
Simultaneously, law of analogy repeats these wheels in every being on an infinitesimal proportion.
This sevenfold power manifests on the earth in the seven primordial plexuses of the planet, known to the Initiate who has power to trace the seven parts of the Universe.
In the human physical body, the Cosmic Ether is on the seven plexuses corresponding to the above-mentioned Ethereal Wheels.
We are told the aura is something like a receiver of all positive and negative powers of the individual being, who expresses them by means of form, movement and color on the first plane of the mental world. There the Ethereal Wheels are reflected and mixed with prevailing colors of the aura. Sometimes, at a moment of extremely intense action, certain center of power controls the whole auric spectrum.
In the aura of a very intellectual person, you can see, on his higher part, a wheel with the form of a fan with a beautiful and shining blue color, crowing the front of the astral body with a royal diadem; while the other centers of power may be so weak that hues of color and power of movement fall away among other auric colors.
At a moment of intense wrath, a person emits from the central part of his aura, which would be on the level of the heat in a human body, a smoke that quickly covers the whole aura, and impedes to see other color. You only see some tongues of fire, which are a materialization of energy condensed by the respective mental form.
In certain harmonious and balanced temperaments, you see clearly two or three of these wheels fluttering on the aura like moving flowers; but you can never see separately every one of the seven wheels.
In men of our era, the Sacrum Wheel is very visible and plays a very important part in reproduction. Of course, a very perfect being, a Solar Initiate, has united his forces and powers in a way that he vibrates and is in tune only with the Synthetic Ether, the first by-product of the Cosmic Ether; so, his aura is immense, uniform, with very quick vibration, so quick that just reveals only one color, which could be called very white.
Besides colors brought about by centers of power, in the aura there are colors of thought forms. Thought forms not always are those that can be generated by our thought and, thence, the result of the Mental Wheel of being, but mental forms of other beings are reflected there.
A continuous thought of love and protection of a mother for her little child will cover with a light pink hue the aura of this child with the thought form of his mother.
The religious belief of a whole community protects their devotees with a characteristic sign, reflected on the aura by certain color. So Catholics properly say a Christian bears in his spirit the sign of the baptism, which is ineffaceable; so, many beings belonging to Zivasvaita religion have in their auras the image of a red trident, a symbol of their religion.
Even our affection for certain beings many times imprints itself their image on the aura.