Course XXXVIII - Teaching 3: Aura of Plants and Animals

All objects have a characteristic radiation that constitutes their aura. It is like a bluish color around the object at short distance.
While plants have no color, they already have a characteristic aura.
The aura of plants heavily influences auras of human beings and may have positive or negatives effects. We call bad or negative plants those plants whose aura may influence unfavorably because they absorb too much oxygen or are poisonous; and we call good or positive plants those plants with aromatic or medicinal properties.
In bad plants their aura is blackish; and this color is more marked in a magnolia tree. So, from innumerable years, we know it is very dangerous to sleep under this tree. The ancients said a somber spirit would suffocate men who would sleep under it. Certainly, it not only takes off oxygen, but also radioactive and astral radiations of human beings.
Other plant of this kind (a bad plant) is the willow, good to heal insomnia and bad to those who sleep under its thick branches at digestion time.
Plants with useful-sedative influence have a whitish, sometimes scintillating color.
Pine’s and eucalyptus’ auras are very shining and, thence, these trees are very curative.
There is no cemetery without a cypress, because the aura of this tree removes lower and elemental entities. The ancient worship always was held at the foot of an ilex, a tree with a very sedative aura, like that of an oak. Ancient kings gave their laws and administered justice under these trees. Man adorns his house with plants and flowers, because their aura is always useful and helpful to auras of human health. But flowers like jasmine, magnolia, hyacinth and nard never should be in houses or rooms. On the other hand, the effects of certain trees, confirming these statements, are known.
The aura of animals, while it is not very wide, already has colors.
Also animals have a considerable influence on the aura of men, because they absorb vitality and strength of that aura, rather, animals get colors of human auras by vampirizing the human aura.
Wild isolated animals have a poor, uncolored aura; but wild beasts, in zoological gardens, get reddish colors and their ferocity decreases insensibly by contact with people.
Domestic animals have beautiful auras; a cat, red and grey; a dog, brown and deep blue; a horse, reddish and sometimes salmon color.
The aura of a horse is the widest, and in very intelligent horses even may be eight centimeters wide. But, among all animals, birds are those that have more varied Colors; some of them, like swan, have the rainbow color. These auras are always subordinated to the influence of man, since, by the right of evolution, man is the god of animals. There are animals that feel so much the influence of their master that, without any word from him, know if he is sad or happy, quiet or angry.
So, it is neither good nor healthy, to live in common with animals, and to sleep with them is the worst habit.

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