Course XXXVIII - Teaching 2: Auric Colors
It is a noticeable view to see a human aura for the first time, because at the rate of changing emotions, thoughts and mind state, mixed colored rays traverse the aura, and burst.
Every thought, every emotion, every subconscious function, every organic impulse, is recorded in the aura. Continuous luminous radiations go out of the human being and are broken as colors in his auric spectrum.
Prevailing or fundamental colors: red, blue and yellow. Secondary colors: green, orange and violet; and additional colors: white and black.
Black is not a color, but absence of colors. This is related to this plane in which, when we seek with our physical eyes, we see certain black that lacks relatively color because this black is deeper.
The same can be said in regard to white, which is a synthesis of all colors.
Physical and astral colors are inter-fused in the aura, forming a characteristic color.
Color has been always closely related to religious and spiritual symbols; and even religious institutions adopted coloring to achieve a higher psychic and moral effect on their respective worships.
Christian Church, and especially Catholic Church clothes the priest with a red dalmatica, for the festivity of martyrs; green, for ordinary time of the year, that of quietness; violet, to commemorate Christ’s Passion and Mary’s sorrows; and shining golden color, for solemn and joyful occasions. This denotes how the ancient priests knew the influence of colors, for they had seen it on the astral spectrum.
Would it be possible that those clairvoyants-artists, who created wonderful glasses in Gothic cathedral, were unaware of the admirable color of the aura!
Now we shall describe diverse colors, according to emotions that determine them, to get this way a vague idea of how the aura of being is.
Red: Violent passion, unbridled wrath and irresistible desire color aura with purple red and, if these emotions come together with a criminal impulse, this purple red is covered by a thick smoke of some kind. But not always red is negative and bad, because a noble passion is dyed with purple, like a noble indignation and a strong wish to do well. Also, the color of blood, or rather, that of vital blood, is symbol of the highest emotion; but when love and emotion are really unselfish, then red and white combine and become a beautiful light pink, a characteristic color in many virgins.
Blue: In its elevations toward the spirit, usually a soul is adorned with this color; so devotion, love of study, philosophical reflection and the art of properly thinking in general, give the aura a sky-blue color. Stubbornness as to our own ideas, intolerance, and strong and constant separateness of creed, dye the aura with slate-color. Likewise, noble thinkers fossilized in their ideas and believers fanaticized by their religion vibrate with indigo-color.
Yellow: This is the color of great and eclectic thinkers, that of spiritual instructors, great mystics and all of them who glimpse the Eternal Wisdom.
Green: A good physical condition, love of Nature and life in the country-side, and a quiet and little speculative disposition, dye the aura with green, which becomes more shining as virtues increase. But the aura of a lazy man, who gives himself up and runs the risk of falling on inactivity and destitution, is olive-colored, and even its color may be grayish green, that of hysterical and envious people.
Orange: An intelligent man, but proud of his knowledge, has an orange aura. In an over-proud man, this color takes a reddish orange hue, while is old gold in a self-praising person in his own right.
Violet: This is mainly the color of artists and women in their best aspect. It denotes virtues as a whole, transplanted from the real world to the world of the ideal. It is very easy to see this color in inexpert young people in the struggle for life, and in old persons who have already appeased their passions.
White: The more advanced the individual being is, the more shining and whiter his aura is; but this color never is absent in any being in higher or lesser proportion.
Black: Black goes with every negative action and emphasizes bad Colors; but also a heavy sorrow or a moment of amnesia may dye entirely the aura with black. Depression, sadness, heavy despondency come along with grey.
You see not only these colors in an aura, but also many others that produce different combinations.