Course XXXVIII - Teaching 15: Dream and Its Colors

Energetic vibrations fill the aura with colors not only during the day, but also the same process continues while we sleep. Since when a person sleeps acquires higher psychic sensibility, he can see more easily these colors, which appear as dreams.
Density of vibration is closely related to force of image and color in our dreams.
There are three types of dreams, namely: vegetative, associative and premonitory or prophetic.
Organic vibrations during the deepest unconsciousness produce vegetative dream, when the individual restores energies of the physical body. It belongs to the first hours of the night and lasts all the time when the chemical distribution of foods takes place. Forms of these dreams and vague and disproportionate; their color is always dark.
The second type, called associative, is the mirror of the subconscious. It manifests unsatisfied desires, yearnings and daily disappointments by means of forms and colors; it puts on the light of the astral aura, through vague forms and inconsistent events, the inferiority complex of the soul and mind dissatisfaction. Even here there are many colors; but some of them come into play: chiaroscuro, grey and red.
For a practical interpretation of colors in dreams of this type, you should consider them by their meaning related to astral color.
But all colors come into play, forming beautiful vision and vast landscapes, in premonitory dreams; beautiful dreams, free gift of intuition. Unlike the others, these dreams are strong, clear and easy to recall; and belong to hours of the early morning. They discover hidden states of the soul, artistic trends and intimate mystical vocation, and foretell the future.
A combination of colors is spontaneous in them and, sometimes, you have a double vision: first, with physical colors, and then, with related astral colors.
Then, the activity of the soul is constant: if the soul stops his activity of movement, coloring and form, the individual would remain overwhelmed; here is the different: it is much more difficult to see the participation of the soul on vigil state than on dream state.
The student must try to sleep well and quietly if he wants to have beautiful dreams and see colors related to his aura when is sleeping.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
