Course XXXVIII - Teaching 13: Music and Color

Every musical note is accompanied by its corresponding color. A seer perceived a wave of color behind a sound.
Blind people, whose ear sense is highly developed, say and describe color by the sound of the seven musical notes.
Many musicians confess they see these colors with their imagination.
If every musical note has its own form of corresponding color, a musical work as a whole, entire pieces, have their form with multiple colors representing their thought form.
But if every thought form is reflected on the aura, whose is the aura in which music colors are shaped? They are attached to the aura of the earth, on that super-atmospheric fringe around the planet; so, a clairvoyant sees musical forms reflected on the air or atmosphere.
Sometimes these forms as a whole are very vast, wonderful and vivid and leave an extended and pleasant impression in the soul of the person who sees them. Not always these forms of color are equal, even when one plays the same musical piece; for they change according to the talent of the performer and the musical ensemble.
When there is any inaccuracy in music, image appears rent from one end to the other. Thence the saying of lovers of this art, a bad note hurts the ear.
In Balad number 1, B Minor, Opus 23, by Chopin, grey and red colors are mixed in such way at the beat of very sad notes that describe the night, forest and love of the wandering knight, that leave in the soul an exact impression about the view and colors of the third astral plane.
Wagner could give form true astral pictures by means of his music, which were reflected on the aura of the world. At the first chords of the prelude to “Gold of the Rhine”, music forms a tenuous, undefined color, like that of the sky at dawn; there the artist wants to describe the beginning of the Universe. Lightnings and movements of light colors go continuously across the sky. As the execution of the work goes on, the image becomes wider and wider. No music has reflected so vast picture as that of Wagner. But when Walhalla appears before the gods, he is reflected on the image of a shining dome.
In the work “The Walkirias”, colors are so varied and the view so vast that they look like an enchanted city where sky, sea, mountains and colors are mixed with so gracious disorder that they form an unforgettable picture.
Emerico Stefanini, the great pianist, states, when he plays, closes his eyes and sees colors that symbolize the piece of music he is playing. And about the color of the aura in Beethoven’s music, he replied to a question: yellow. He was right, for Beethoven’s music is, among all, the richest music as to wisdom and insights.
Every musical note has its corresponding color:
1rst.: Do… Red
2nd.: Re… Orange
3rd.: Mi… Yellow
4th.: Fa… Green
5th.: Sol… Blue
6th.: La… Indigo
7th.: Si… Violet
One of the indispensable works of a student, to achieve his supreme realization, is to sharpen his artistic senses.

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