Course XXXVI - Teaching 7: The Grotto of Ras

Whatever is concealed, some day will be exposed. Christ said, even the more insignificant words of creatures had to be exposed too.
Grotto of Ras is the name given by the esoteric symbology to this place where actions of all past-present beings are recorded. It belongs to the seventh mental plane.
It is called Grotto because this world denotes a low, hidden place, where even the highest entities hardly can enter. And this Grotto is of Ras, because Ras is symbol of the sun of the mind.
When the Initiate has reached a very high evolutive state, in his ascension to higher worlds he travels through a wonderful place that calls intensely his attention.
Here we use very inaccurate expressions to describe so wonderful place, not because this is so, but because this is indispensable to leave a vague concept.
We could say the soul is in a fantastic grotto, in a vast gallery like that of grottoes of subterranean water, where reflection of lights, instead of being produced by water reflected on the walls, is brought about by so high vibrations that even astral beings cannot stand.
There you notice a total absence of determined entities, for only the Lords of Destiny watch over this place.
When a being that has entered there gets used, he notices that every point of light contains in its center a very shining light, and reflected on it, in a microscopic form, there are visions of peoples, persons and places.
In that place there are four dimensions, not only one.
If a being concentrates, events are re-produced exactly from their beginning to their end; and if he relaxes his thought, events return backward.
If certain thing calls his attention, every detail of it carefully develops, and if he tries, he can see what he wishes, from the beginning when the worlds and life manifested.
Very few penetrate there, and even the high entities have to be guided by Higher Masters.
But a seer gets a glimpse of these wonderful scenes written down in the Akasic Annals.
While writing his “Secret Doctrine”, Helen P. Blavatsky said: “Landscapes, races and lost civilizations are vertiginously passing before my eyes”.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
