Course XXXV - Teaching 2: The Black Lady

On the Moon’s 28th February, at the return of Pisces, and in the Temple of the Sun, the High Priest, sitting on the stone of EHS, looked at the immensity of waters, from which the barge, the barge-man and the jar of Aquarius would proceed, then he broke the silver cord with seven knots at the level of the sixth knot, and got up holding the Fire in his right hand to open by one blow of his strong shoulders the so called Liberating Strong One’s gate.
And he spoke.
Listen at midnight, oh Wayfarer, the song of celestial spheres.
“On the subterranean Tomb, where She who knows the number, measure and arcane of the existence is sleeping, it is written the history of the Universe on mystical signs.”
“Who can decipher them?”.
A desperate cry is heard.
“Dress the robe of linen and cover your face with the white veil, oh Son of the Flame, if you refuse to die.”
It is the soul of the Mother who calls her Children from the Mansion of Death.”
Twenty-eight priestesses slowly defile with the cry of the known voice.
“Observe upward the black stone fallen from he sky, which locks hermetically the Tomb of the Sleeping Divine Mother, and look at the golden letters that speak.”
On the Mountain of Fire, in the Temple of Inextinguishable Flames, She sleeps; she sacrificed herself for love, and love will liberate her. A circle and a cross crown the heights: the Divinity immolated for Humanity and man, at a time, made God.
A resplendent thunderbolt has descended from the heights: it is Foah. The sigh of EHS caused to shake the depths of the Abyss.
The two Guardians of the Summit are already prepared to point out the Way.
But at the edge of the Abyss of all miseries, the Black Lady has got up and blocks the step of the Wayfarer.

Cafh Founder

Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
