Course XXXIV - Teaching 5: Postulates

The fundamental Theology postulates based on concepts of the Revelation, on which it builds its magnificent rational structure, are as follows:
Theology is the Only Truth.
Theology is a Divine Knowledge taught directly by God.
The object of Theology is to discover to man the Divine Knowledge and its relationship with God. Theology is the Only Truth because contains all, whole knowledge –rational and intuitive.
Rational knowledge because any idea and knowledge rightly interconnected ever leads to only one invariable conclusion, to certain knowledge ever responding to and emanated from a simple, unique, and therefore divine, fundamental law.
Intuitive knowledge because just by means of intuition, illuminated by the infuse Revelation light, man can coordinate and synthesize all his own ideas in one Unique, simple and divine Idea.
Theology is a Divine Knowledge because is a true message of God, addressed to the intuition of man by means of the Revelation, so that he acquires rationally knowledge about God such as He is, as an active principle of the Knowable Universe, but not behind His Undifferentiated and Unknowable aspect. Finally, the first postulate states the final objective of Theology, that is, to unveil to man the Divine Knowledge in a systematic and real form, and not in accidental and veiled form. Through his efforts and labor to focus his thoughts on revealed principles, man will succeed in sanctifying and dignifying his life and, eventually, in getting the Beatific Vision through Ecstasy.
Theology is essentially the way of knowledge through efforts and reason applied and assisted by intuition that, as we said, is illuminated by the infuse Revelation light.
Therefore, at present, the individual being who follows this path, the student of Theology, must apply to all sources of knowledge at his disposal.
First he must apply to studying diverse philosophical systems, by knowing and practicing derivative sciences, even phenomenal aspects of Nature; and he will analyze and synthesize his own conclusions by considering all available mental forms and means, through a reasoning perfectly interconnected. So he will gradually draw veils of ignorance.
So, always along with a clear, ordered and constant mental activity and a method of living with purity and prayer, later an infuse light will clarify his intuition and he will start humanly understanding Verities Revealed by God.
He achieves a true fusion between his rational mind and his intuitive mind.
Even there are beings that go beyond this stage and get certain higher knowledge through ecstasy; they understand Divine Verities not revealed, even though just potentially. This knowledge is called Theologia in Deo Clare Visa, whereas knowledge acquired by rational study in the wake of intuition is called Theologia in Via, which is commonly within the rage of men.
Ecstatic knowledge is of few persons, of Great Initiates, and of some disciples, –beings who later pour their knowledge on the so-called Dogmas.
So, a Dogma is a deduced truth, achieved Clara Visa Deo, that is, ecstatically in front of God. Generally speaking, Great Initiates are those who establish a Dogma, which later, a disciple spreads and explains, and eventually reaches the people through Priesthood.
Generally and synthetically, a Dogma is an indisputable conceptual sentence but, through its established doctrine it states a Revealed Truth and opens the way making possible to deduce other potentially implied knowledge and verities.
So, theological verities and knowledge gradually emerge through certain right discursive reasoning. We are told theology is an essentially rational activity of man, characteristic in the Aryan man, who only can use by himself reason as a constructive instrument of knowledge.
But of course, once again, his efforts would be fruitless without Divine Revelation, without the Infuse Light of God illuminating his intuition.

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Disciple, the Teachings –free, generous and magisterial– are at your disposal. It is up to you. Master Santiago came back!
