Course XXXII - Teaching 16: Humanity

There is consciousness behind every atom, behind every form and behind every being.
There is a living being behind every Planetary Wheel, behind every star, behind every sun, and behind every world.
Great Cosmic Entities slowly descend to thick material forms; while living consciousnesses, which rule over thicker elements, gradually ascend until they meet and fuse with Humanity.
They are those angels who ascend and descend by the large ladder from Heaven to Earth and from Earth to Heaven, according to Jacob’s prophetic vision.
Humanity above mentioned is not referred to forms of the present man or to our planetary system in particular, but to any human chain that, anywhere in the Universe, has reached, or is about to reach, a balance between both spirit and matter.
Certain Esoteric Schools teach that, in our planetary scale, man did not reach yet the state of perfect humanity, but that he is about to reach it at the end of the Fifth Race Root.
Humanity will be perfect if scales remain motionless, but this will not occur while contrary values move him to and fro between pairs of opposites.
This universal movement as a whole is named Ired.
The Divine Creators descend with three big strides until matter; consciousnesses raise by these three big strides toward the full manifestation of life; and also Humanity is arranged by three big strides, linking itself with the Divinity.
These ternary descent, evolution and arrangement do not take place on a straight line, but by describing a circumference, with a dual movement of adhesion and resistance. Simultaneously, this dual movement has other seven movements of progression and regression, of attraction and repulsion, where Builders and Architects mould, divide and associate the Cosmic Substance.